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420-81f95041 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC presenta informe sobre situación de la mujer dominicana en cifras


Publication date:

March 14 2012

INTEC presents report on the situation of Dominican women in figures

Santo Domingo. The Gender Study Center of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (CEG-INTEC), presented on Wednesday 7 of March the document "State of Situation of Dominican Women, 2011", on the occasion of the commemoration of International Women's Day.

With the delivery of this report, the Center, which has a history of 25 years of research, contributes to the information base for the analysis and formulation of policy proposals and programs that positively impact the inequality and inequality that characterize Dominican society. .

Lourdes Contreras, Coordinator of the CEG-INTEC affirmed that in the country, the restrictive inequalities between men and women in the exercise of their citizen rights, continue to be very marked and restrictive.

"It is incomprehensible to see how in each new study we are still so poorly positioned in indicators such as maternal mortality, social security, pregnancy in girls and adolescents, not to mention the victims of gender violence. The data presented reveals that there are no adequate public policies that seek balance in gender relations "stressed Contreras who continued explaining that so far the policies aimed at overcoming this type of inequalities, have not considered the large delays that mostly affect women and that they mean the prolongation of the great debt accumulated with this population.

The report includes 35 indicators that determine the autonomy of Dominican women, grouped into three aspects: economic, physical integrity and decision-making.

Dominican women earn up to 19% less than men in the same jobs but are required to have a higher level of education (10 years on average compared to 8.1 for men). The average monthly labor income is equivalent to 79% of that received by men, according to data reported in the report.

The rector of the INTEC, Rolando M. Guzmán, said that the institution takes advantage of the commemoration of March's 8 to declare its commitment to the contributions that gender analysis makes to the social sciences. "We provide information on the asymmetries that characterize Dominican society to promote, from the academic, teaching and research, the necessary and urgent changes that the country demands in those orders."

The document "State of the Dominican Women, 2011", is a map of progress as a country and the pending challenges in the exercise of the rights of Dominican women, observing the trends of the most recent reports. It also offers statistical data on different spheres of political and social economic activity, and reviews the main problems that result from the inequalities between men and women, with special emphasis on the particularities that condition the position and condition of life of women in the country. .

Contreras and Guzmán indicated that the document is available at for the use of state institutions, feminist and women's groups, as well as professional associations and all those persons and groups interested in improving the quality of life of women and, with it, society in general. Its structure is in accordance with the guidelines of the XI Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations (ECLAC).