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383-b6694f43 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Intec participa en Eduexpo 2011


Publication date:

03 November 2011

Intec participates in Eduexpo 2011

The Engineering Area of ​​INTEC is the one that offers the most options among the universities, with 15 careers in this branch, some of which are only taught in this institution, such as Aerospace, Biochemistry, Computational, Nuclear and Bioengineering, part of the 2 + Program 2 with PennState that allows to study the first two years at INTEC (with the cost in pesos) and the final stage at the University of Pennsylvania (PennState), United States.

Other unique careers, besides the traditional ones (Medicine, Civil, Industrial, Electrical, Electronic, Marketing or Administration), are Software Engineering, Mechatronics and Mathematics with concentration in statistics and actuarial sciences, careers adapted to the demands of the labor market in the country.

This year INTEC exhibits a stand conceived and created by its School of Industrial Design, first in the country in 1988. With the central theme of "Technology", the university used structures in aluminum and pvc panels lined with adhesive vinyl, as a modular system. The design was based on showing the institution through large images of the campus and laboratories.

In addition to this, the stand has a slide show of updated photos of the entire venue, presented on one of its 3 screens. A technological project developed by the students and a prototype panel with its audiovisual presentation are also presented.

The opening ceremony of the fair had the participation as guest speaker of Ing. Hiddekel Morrison, a graduate of INTEC and President of the consulting and training firm HM Consulting. Morrison has several master's degrees, specialties and international certifications in the area of ​​Electronics and Telecommunications. He is also the author of several books, producer and editor of technological programs on radio, newspapers, television and the Internet.

This educational fair that takes place for the ninth consecutive year, is the only event that brings together national universities and institutes, international representatives and organizations related to education, allowing visitors and interested parties not only to define their vocation, but also to choose what study and where to do it.