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simulacro-6be74a7f Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC participa de simulacro de evacuación por terremoto organiza el COE


Publication date:

04 November 2022

INTEC participates in an earthquake evacuation drill organized by the COE

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) joined the National Call for Earthquake Evacuation Drill made by the Emergency Operations Center (COE) in Santo Domingo, with the aim of putting into practice the evacuation plans, protocols and procedures of public institutions, private companies and society, in a general sense.

INTEC participated in the Drill partially, so it was carried out in the Osvaldo García de la Concha (GC) buildings; From Ramón de Picazo (DP); Eduardo Latorre (EL) and Fernando Defilló (FD) from where the students, collaborators and visitors were mobilized.

The day that is carried out frequently has the purpose of preparing the population on how to respond to an emergency situation, specifically the seismic one.

In INTEC days prior to the drill, an awareness campaign was deployed through mass mailings in which tips were offered on how to carry out an evacuation and where to locate the meeting points.

The drill was coordinated by Pamela Michel, in charge of Disaster Risk Management, Operations and Logistics Directorate of INTEC. Collaborators from the institution were involved as evacuation brigade members who received prior training on how to carry out these tasks.

The COE made the agency's website available to the population so that those interested can have tools and instructions that allow them to create their earthquake contingency plan.