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intec%20discount-fbf95df2 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC grants up to 25% discount on postgraduate programs


Publication date:

August 19 2020

INTEC grants up to a 25% discount on postgraduate programs

SANTO DOMINGO. -The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) will grant up to 25% discount on postgraduate programs in the 100% virtual modality, for admissions in November of the current year.

The academy reported that the discount includes 15% in enrollment and 10% in enrollment and, in addition, those interested may choose one of the financing options with Banco Ademi and the educational credit institutions Fondesa and Fundapec, with the that INTEC has agreements. 

Most of the November admission programs will apply for the discount with the exception of PhDs in Environmental Sciences; in math; in Energy Management for Sustainable Development; in Engineering and Applied Sciences to Structural, Geotechnical and Manufacturing, and the master's degree in Management Engineering and the specialties in Teaching Qualification.

Due to the health situation that the country is experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, INTEC highlighted that these programs will be taught in a 100% virtual mode and that they will continue in that mode even in the event of a possible return to presence. Those interested can apply for discounts without having to access financing, thus obtaining a 25% discount in one of the aforementioned programs

Regarding the requirements, the university highlighted that those interested can consult them through the link: