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Laboratorio%20Sumlab-INTEC-02-2b9540d3 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC offers permanent Basic Life and Trauma Emergency Support courses


Publication date:

July 12 2013

INTEC offers permanent courses of Basic Support of Life and Trauma of Emergencies

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), through its Simulation Laboratory (SimLab), offers two permanent Basic Life Support (BLS) and Emergency Trauma courses, which are aimed at health professionals, medical students and To the general public.
Recently INTEC obtained the certifications of the International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) chapter Dominican Republic and the American Heart Association (AHA), which accredits you as a Training Center with certified instructors.
The Basic Life Support (BLS) course offers participants the skills and competences to respond to cases of airway obstruction, choking, as well as use of the bag-valve-mask device, rescue breathing, use of the automated external defibrillator and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for adults, children and infants.
It is a training open to the general public, because the content of the classes offers techniques that could be put into practice by any qualified person in the scenario in which the contingency situation arises.
"The course offers techniques to solve urgent problems of which no one is exempt, that is, the participant is more likely to apply their knowledge in the same environment in which it operates," said Dr. Pablo Smester, coordinator of the courses and in charge of SimLab-INTEC.
The Trauma course It is aimed at medical students and health professionals who are in charge of stabilizing and offering the first care to Emergency patients, for the rapid management of the evaluation, basic and advanced airway management, chest decompression with needle, resuscitation by fluids, limb immobilization and transport techniques.
Participants can learn the theoretical content of the course in the modern SimLab classroom, while they can practice with mannequins that, connected to a computer, react as humans.
The BLS course is taught on the last Friday of each month, in a six-hour teaching day; while the Trauma course for Emergencies is taught in two days, for a total of 16 hours of classes.
For information about rates and schedules Those interested can contact Dr. Pablo Smester at the 809-567-9271 extension 255 phone or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..