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Architecture%20chikita-471484b2 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC launches programs in support of education in the country


Publication date:

26 2012 June

INTEC launches programs in support of education in the country

Santo Domingo. El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) recently presented some 24 training programs, with the objective of supporting basic and middle level education in the Dominican Republic. The offer based on courses and workshops, is open mode that is part of the agenda of the Prepa-INTEC Program for the year 2012, which is articulated with graduates and post-degrees offered by the university.

The programs are aimed at teachers and managers of different institutions and they can also be taught from the headquarters of these entities, as an internal modality, as requested.

The Prepa-INTEC is an initiative created for the evaluation and support of affiliated educational institutions, in order to contribute with specific actions to improve the quality of education, based on needs detected through different evaluations available through the College Board of Puerto Rico and Latin America.

Among its main purposes, it is important to collaborate with the development of a culture of evaluation in middle and basic education centers, as a mediation aimed at improving the quality of processes and results; provide the student with conditions for the strengthening of competences that allow him to integrate efficiently into university life and successfully complete a professional career; and to favor processes of formation and accompaniment of the teaching teams on evaluation programs and development of prospects for the improvement of the quality of individual and institutional learning processes.

The course of courses that will close in March of the 2013, formally began last Friday 15 of June of the 2012, with a meeting between representatives of the educational centers members of PREPA and the authorities of the College Board. At the opening, those present addressed the subject of the content of the tests, which is taken into account when correcting them, which are the areas that are measured and what is the meaning and value of the results.

 Among the courses to be taught are: "The teacher as manager and leader", "Sensitization and clarification on new strategies of motivation in the classroom", "Management of conflicts and coexistence in educational contexts strategies for the teaching of mathematics in the Primary Education ", among others.

To separate places and register for one of these 24 courses and workshops, you can call (809) 567-9271, ext. 288 and 406.