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notintec-4273ea70 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC lamenta fallecimiento de estudiante


Publication date:

April 04 2012

INTEC regrets student death

Santo Domingo. El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) regrets to report the death of the Civil Engineering student, Paola Roa Jiménez, which occurred on Thursday 15 of March from 2012 to 11: 30 am in our university campus.

The student fell into a state of unconsciousness while receiving teaching, so she was immediately transferred to the medical office of our institution where the indicated resuscitation procedures were applied in these cases, without obtaining any reaction, to our regret.

The Intecian community deeply regrets the fact and joins the pain of their relatives, companions, friends and related. May it be densified in peace.