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AperturacuartaSemanadelaCiencia-1913f826 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC inicia su cuarta Semana de la Ciencia


Publication date:

07 November 2023

INTEC begins its fourth Science Week

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) will carry out its fourth edition for the Science Week, held annually as part of its responsibility in scientific and technological dissemination, in which since the November 7 to 10 The importance of the dissemination of knowledge for the development of the country and the construction of critical citizens is highlighted.

During the activity there will be a panel, a keynote conference, a forum, four workshops and two presentations in which the progress and results of research will be presented, both by professors, students and researchers from INTEC as well as experts from other universities and local institutions. .

It will take place in the auditorium of the Security Observatory from the university and will begin with the keynote conference “Smart Assistants: Productivity is transformed”, which will address the considerations, use and how to get the most out of these tools.

As part of the program, the advances of the “Ozama Rescue” project developed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), a platform that seeks to protect the oceans, restore the health of rivers and improve the living conditions of the population based on circular economy principles and the promotion of comprehensive plastics and waste management.

This project brings together representatives of the central and local government, business, academia, non-governmental organizations and international organizations who joined forces to implement better solutions to the pollution problem of the Ozama River and the surrounding communities.

In its development, it received the support of students at the doctoral, master's and bachelor's levels of INTEC, who developed research projects that served to collect information on the contamination detected from the 004 interceptor, the first of its kind in the region used. for the collection of solid and plastic waste in the Ozama River. and The results of these investigations within the academic field will be made known.

El World Urban Planning Day, Wednesday November 8, the Urban Forum 2023, in which research by INTEC experts will be addressed, while the other activities will include a series of complementary training on socio-environmental issues.

In turn, on Friday, November 10, the project will be launched "Circular Caribbean Bioplastics and Biomaterials Innovation Unit Collaboration” of the Environmental Management Center (CEGA-INTEC), which aims to create a technological innovation unit for the development of bioplastics and biomaterials that contribute to the sustainable development of the Dominican Republic.

Yaset Rodríguez Rodríguez, INTEC professor in charge of the technical coordination of the project, assured that, for the development of the initiative, agreements will be implemented with private companies and INTEC that will allow the generation of guidelines for business cases or applications of bioplastics or biomaterials.

Likewise, the exhibition of research posters will be available in the hallways of the university's teaching buildings. Learn about the detailed program at: