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Ejecutivos%20del%20INTEC%20y%20Padilla%20S.A.JPG-1-517e7340 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC implements “LEAN Culture” program


Publication date:

March 10 2020

INTEC implements “LEAN Culture” program

Santo Domingo. -He Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) culminated the first stage of the SCHEDULE for business efficiency "LEAN culture", in the company Padilla, SA., a leading Dominican company in commercial printing and packaging design, serving corporate and industrial clients in more than eight Caribbean countries.

Through LEAN Processes workshops and personalized training to the functional leaders of each area, more than a dozen executives presented efficiency projects aimed at generating estimated savings between RD $ 14 and 20 million pesos, in the first year of execution.

Virginia García, teacher and operations director of INTEC, led the project that was implemented by the Directorate of Permanent Education of INTEC. This lasted approximately four months, during which time the process improvements, waste reduction and cost savings, associated with a efficiency culture.

The management team of Padilla, SA expressed its gratitude with the process carried out and, above all, with the commitment shown by the participants in proposing improvement projects that are currently being implemented and yielding positive results.

Meanwhile, Charles Kings, director of Permanent Education, praised the company's leadership and the projects presented. “This is a living example of the things that happen when two excellence oriented entities they make synergy, ”he said.

“On the one hand, the leading graphic communication company for the industry and, on the other, the Dominican university with the greatest accumulated know-how in terms of efficient process management,” said Reyes.