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man-g5538ed05b_1920 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC will teach a doctorate in Social Sciences with three doctoral lines of research

Publication date:

08 November 2021

INTEC will teach a doctorate in Social Sciences with three doctoral lines of research

 SANTO DOMINGO. - The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) will give a PhD in Social Sciences with three doctoral lines: Gender studies, Anthropological studies of the cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean, and Communication, con el objetivo de contribute al increase significant of the activities of research projects., generation and publication of knowledge linked to the research lines of the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities.

In the doctoral line of Gender Studies, doctoral students will carry out research with a solid inter and transdisciplinary base; reflection, analysis and research that enables the integration of different gender research methodologies and deriving new fields of research, where subjectivities and identities are investigated, and new approaches are proposed for the study of sexualities from the perspective of gender. diversity.

Those who choose to focus on Anthropological studies of the cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean will generate complex and diverse approaches to the current conformation of the Dominican culture, Caribbean societies and cultures, based on archaeological and anthropological studies.

This doctoral line seeks to revitalize, from the contemporary scientific perspective, the anthropological and archaeological practice and heritage studies in the Dominican Republic, connecting the tradition of national research in these areas with more recent international experiences and important results and academic recognition, which This leads to fostering academic cooperation with national and international institutions based on anthropological and material culture research.

Meanwhile, those who choose the Communication will address issues related to new forms of communication that have emerged recently by the use and dissemination of the Internet. The transition to the digital format of traditional media in the international context, corporate and political communication, as well as the development of cultural industries in a social environment highly marked by digital, which are important aspects to be dealt with in this thematic line.

They will investigate the impact that the internet has had on forms of social communication together with the research groups Novos Medios, from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and Xescom, from the University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Vigo and University from La Coruña, Spain.

The doctoral program is subject to two periods, the first for teaching with a minimum duration of one year, which has a total of 27 credits; and the second for research, which has a minimum duration of two years and has a total of 47 credits. Once the research period has started, the applicant will have a minimum term of two years and a maximum of four following years to defend their doctoral thesis.