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bim1-23db3164 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC impartirá diplomado sobre Building Information Modeling (BIM)


Publication date:

March 19 2013

INTEC will give a diploma on Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Santo Domingo. El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo INTEC, through the Innovation Group in Construction Management (GIGC) will hold a Diploma on Building Information Modeling (BIM), process of generating and managing data of a building during its life cycle, using dynamic 3D modeling software and thus reducing the loss of time and resources in design and construction.

The course that will be taught from 27 from April to 10 May this year, includes a theoretical-practical program and will be fully customized and Intensive of BIM (Revit, Navisworks, QTO), focusing on the creation, visualization, quantification and estimation of projects . The same will take place in the facilities of the Computation Laboratory, of the FD building of INTEC and will have a total of 60 hours of classes taught.

Its facilitators will be Brian C. Capt, professor of the career of Construction Management and management of the BIM system at Brigham Young University (BYU), Utah, where he did his degree in Construction Management, and a master's degree in Technology Management; and Kevin R. Miller, associate professor and director of the Construction Management Program at BYU, Utah. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental Design and Planning from Arizona State University.

As a theoretical and introductory framework for the diploma course, the GIGC will be offering an informative talk about BIM, with the aim of introducing and presenting the system to the participants, as well as its advantages, disadvantages and how the construction will change in the Dominican Republic. use of it

This presentation will be offered on Wednesday 20 of March, at six o'clock in the afternoon in Auditorium Garcia de la Concha and will be aimed at students, engineers, architects, designers, project managers and construction companies.

To know more about the costs and details of the diploma, and about the introductory talk of the same, those interested can communicate with the GIGC, through their facebook / gigcdom Facebook account, or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.