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El%20INTEC%20entreg%20al%20pas%20627%20nuevos%20profesionales%20en%20su%20quincuagesima%20sptima%20graduacin-a298e5de Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC graduates first graduates in Biotechnology in the Dominican Republic


Publication date:

13 October 2018

INTEC graduates first graduates in Biotechnology in the Dominican Republic

SANTO DOMINGO. The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) graduated first graduates for the Degree in biotechnology trained in Dominican Republic, during your fifty-seventh ceremony investment

On the spot too they received their titles  16 teachers belonging to second group for the Master's Degree in Gender and Equality Policies in Education, that the university imparts with the support of the Ministry of Education and the National Institute of Education and Training (INAFOCAM).

La Degree in biotechnology, started in thedo not 2015, trains professionals with knowledge Scientists y technological to participate in scientific and ethical decision-making, and act as gerentes, advisors, experts, directors o administrators in institutions or companies linked to the sectors, doctor-pharmacist, industrial, environmental y agricultural. The first graduates of the career are young people Melina Gonzalez, Diego del Orbe y Eustacio Aguilera.

First_graduates_in_Biotechnology%C3%ADa_of_Rep%C3%BAblica_Dominicana Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC graduates first graduates in Biotechnology in the Dominican Republic

At the ceremony, which was held at the Sansoucí Terminal, they were graduates a total of 626 professionals of all the careers taught by the institution, at the undergraduate and graduate levels. With this new group of graduates, the university reaches the 32,478 titles issued since its foundation in October 1972.

Rector_del_INTEC_Rolando_M_Guzm%C3%A1n Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC graduates first graduates in Biotechnology in the Dominican Republic

The welcome words they were in charge of rector, Rolando M. Guzmán, who stated that each graduating is moral obligation de give your best at their professionally y social, while he invited them to reflect on their contribution to the various challenges facing the country and the world, "and in which the contribution of international talent is expected," he said.

Catalina_And%C3%LOWER_representative_of_the_OEI_in_the_pa%C3%ADs_offers_the_order_speech Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC graduates first graduates in Biotechnology in the Dominican Republic

 While the permanent representative of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) in the Dominican Republic and director of the Office of that International Organization in the country, Catalina Andujar Scheker offered the order speech in which he pointed out that, despite having an important accumulation of wealth, Ibero-America is most unequal region in the world and that in that context, he called the graduating to commit themselves and take part, from their professional and personal life, to improve the reality of the country and the world.

Andújar exhorted the graduates to search for knowledge, do not neglect your skills to learn to learn, create, innovate, communicate and work collaboratively. "Always seek knowledge and combine academic knowledge with social, emotional and interpersonal skills and you will see how more and better opportunities will open up in your professional and personal life," he said.

Stop the indifference

La graduated for the contability carrer,  Aleidy Rosario Cruz, graduating with the highest promotion rate, gave the speech on behalf of her classmates, in it she called them to leave aside indifference. “I take this opportunity to make an appeal for conscience. Now that we have finished this first stage of our lives at INTEC, we must take on a new challenge. The challenge of contribute to transformation of a society that he has been moving away little by little from the principles and the feeling of empathy, "she said excitedly.

He pointed out that society must unite to combat the indifference created by individualism and opportunism. “Indifference is a form of indirect violence, and when we turn our faces to the other side of the fence, we are just as guilty as those who make the mistake. Let's be the ones who make the difference. Let's not limit ourselves to silence out of fear ”.

 Aleidy_Rosario_Cruz_speech_on_name_of_the_graduates Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC graduates first graduates in Biotechnology in the Dominican Republic

The oath of the graduates was in charge of Ayeshka Massiel Vergez Almonte, graduated from the career of Industrial engineer with honors Summa Cum Laude. 

 In figures

Of the total of graduates, Present in several = 33.9% they belong to Engineering Area; Present in several = 28% of the Area of ​​Economy and Business; Present in several = 27.5% al Area of ​​Health Sciences; 8% al Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities, and Present in several = 2.7% al Area of ​​Basic and Environmental Sciences. Bill Present in several = 66.8% corresponds to the level of degree y Present in several = 33.1% that of postgraduate. Similarly, a Present in several = 52.4% consist of of and Present in several = 47.6% hombres.

Of the 626 graduates, 132 completed their academic programs with honors, of that total 51 graduated Summa Cum Laude and the same number Magna Cum Laude, while 30 graduated Cum Laude. Likewise, eight of the graduates belong to the INTEC Program with Outstanding Young People (PIES), a pioneering program of the university that grants study scholarships to students of excellence.