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ReunionComiteDispositivosMedicos-2a2cf5c9 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo -    INTEC establecerá un Comité Consultivo sobre Dispositivos Médicos


Publication date:

March 18 2024

INTEC will establish a Consultative Committee on Medical Devices

The university, in alliance with the Committee of Human Resources Managers of the Medical Devices Cluster, will manage new spaces for internships and professional practices

SANTO DOMINGO. The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) will create a advisory committee about Medical devices in coordination the Human Resources Managers of the Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals Cluster of the Dominican Republic, with the aim of strengthening ties to strengthen the skills of professionals in accordance with the real needs of the sector and attract more young people to technological careers.

These were some of the results of the visit what the university president did, Julio Sanchez Marinez, to that organization and in which he outlined various coordination opportunities y collaboration with the Cluster. Laura Castro, Human Resources Manager of the B.Brown company and president of the Committee, expressed her satisfaction with the university's approach and her interest in continuing to collaborate in the training of human resources.

“For INTEC, it is part of its Institutional Strategy and also of its founding mandate that we maintain a close connection with the productive sectors to train the professionals that industries need, that is our way of serving society and guaranteeing that our graduates remain as the best valued,” said Sánchez Maríñez when referring to the little visit. The rector of INTEC attended in the company of the vice-rector for Research and Liaison, Rosario Aróstegui; of the dean of the Engineering Area, Cayetano Rodríguez and the coordinator of the INTEC Learning Factory program, Luis Toirac.

During the meeting they exchanged opinions on market needs in terms of human resources, internship options and the Concentration in Medical Devices that the university offers to students of various careers of the Engineering Area. La Concentration in Manufacturing of Medical Devices, what has graduate More than 250 specialized professionals, pursues the training of professionals capable of increasing the competitiveness of multinational and national companies in the sector, and is part of an offer of more than 10 concentrations that the university offers to its students.

Since its founding, and as part of its strategic linkage strategy, INTEC maintains close relationships with prominent professionals and representatives of the productive sectors, who contribute to the design and execution of its academic programs. The Advisory Committees of Academic Areas have the objective of promoting the link between the university and the environment and developing spaces for dialogue that allow the permanent strengthening of careers and programs.