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JoseAgustindeMiguel-faa978fc Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC distingue como Profesor Emérito a José Agustín de Miguel


Publication date:

December 11 2023

INTEC distinguishes José Agustín de Miguel as Professor Emeritus

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) recognized with the Professor Emeritus distinction to the teacher José Agustín de Miguel López, for his contribution to the development of the university during his more than 40 years of work in which he participated in the institutional reforms y academic that have forged this higher education academy.

El recognition was awarded through the rresolution 20231019-33/103 of October 19, 2023, in response to a application elevated by the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities to the Academic CouncilMiguel López entered INTEC in 1980, and since then he carried out recognized teaching work, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, occupying various positions, recalled teacher Leandra Tapia, who read the profile of the honoree during the ceremony.

From Miguel López he held the positions of director of Formal Studies (1980-1982); dean of the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities (1982-1984); coordinator of the INTEC-OAS Teacher Training Project (1982-1983); director of Faculty Development (1984-1987); Director of Planning (2004-2013); Director of Accreditation (2013-2017), and finally pedagogical advisor to the Academic Vice-Rector's Office (2017-2020).

When delivering the opening speech of the event, the rector Julio Sanchez Marinez assured that José Agustín de Miguel López, with his passion for reading, devoured all the books and educational materials that came to the Library and practically became a living memory of INTEC. “I knew in which document and from what year the relevant information in the academic life and history of INTEC was contained,” he noted.

Sánchez Maríñez valued that Miguel, in his work as a teacher, was always willing to learn, to investigate, to search, to continue delving deeper and contrast ideas. He “he practiced dialectic in its most classic sense, that of seeking the truth through the exposition and confrontation of reasoning and arguments contrary to each other.”

After being invested as the fifth Professor Emeritus of INTEC, José Agustín de Miguel López addressed a few words to those present, in which he reflected on higher education and advocated the deepening of postgraduate training.

Likewise, he thanked INTEC for allowing him to maintain his vocation for reading, which he said is “the reason for my life.” “The advantage of reading a lot is that you understand the rest much faster… And at INTEC I have been able to read a lot about many topics,” he said.

As part of the protocol act, De Miguel López was invested with the Academic Band of Professor Emeritus and received a special certificate of recognition. Likewise, he signed the Book of Emeritus Professors, in which his signature reaches five rubrics.

Teacher Rosalina Perdomo, vice president of the INTEC Board of Regents, who was a student of the honoree and a teaching colleague, formally opened the event and delivered an institutional present on behalf of the entire academic community.

The Emeritus Professors of INTEC are: Miguel J. Escala, Lucero Arboleda de Roa, Leticia Mendoza y Raymundo Jiménez.

More information about the honoree

José Agustín de Miguel López was born in Spain. He graduated in Philosophy from the Colegio Universitario de Padres Carmelitas Descalzos, Ávila, Spain. He completed a master's degree in Administration and Planning of Higher Education from the Simón Rodríguez University of Venezuela, and the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC).

Prior to joining INTEC, he was director of the San Judas Tadeo school (1965-1974) and was Academic Dean of the APEC University (1975-1980). He was coordinator of the Management Area of ​​the Ten-Year Plan of the Dominican Republic (1998-2008) and was a consultant in the Training of Human Resources for the Basic Education Improvement Program, developed by the Ministry of Education together with the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 1992-1998.

In its bibliographic production that includes documents, books and articles, the topic of the teaching function and teacher development stands out in a relevant way, among them: “Teacher Development Program”, “Teacher Training Program Project”, “Theoretical Context of the Teacher Development Program”, “Teaching and University Policy” and “Teacher training policies”.

Present at the recognition ceremony were the vice-chancellors Alliet Ortega, of Administration and Finance, Rosario Aróstegui, of Research and Liaison; and Arturo del Villar, Academic. In addition to deans, academic coordinators, professors, family members of the honorees and members of the university community.