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ACM%20-%20Equipo%20Ganador-495287a0 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC ranks among the first places in the Caribbean Programming Final (ACM-ICPC)


Publication date:

20 November 2012

INTEC ranks first in the Caribbean Final of Programming (ACM-ICPC)

Santo Domingo. A group of INTEC students ranked first in the Dominican Republic in the Final Programming Competition of the ACM-ICPC, which was held for the first time in the country as a sub-venue for this regional event, which is regularly held in Cuba .

Carlos José Toribio (Electronic Engineering), Dennis Federico Castillo (Civil Engineering) and Nelson Taveras (Systems Engineering) made up the winning team, which they called “C++, I Choose You!”, which occupied the first position of the Dominican sub-headquarters. among nine local teams (1/9) and was ranked 10th among 34 teams (10/34) for the Caribbean region and 51st among 446 teams for the Latin American supra region.

The teams trained during previous competitions and qualifiers organized by coach Carlos Joa, professor of Systems Engineering at INTEC and Eligio Cabrera, professor at INTEC and director of ACM-ICPC in the country.

From the Dominican Republic, teams from PUCMM, the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA), Apec University (UNAPEC) and the University of Puerto Rico - Bayamón (UPR-B) participated, and videos and part of the competition were transmitted via the channel. The extended list of results is on the official website of ACM-ICPC. 

Although this is a very important result for the country, it is not enough to go to the World Final, which will be in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in May 2013. However, it should be noted that all the teams from the Dominican headquarters resolved the least two problems, which is very significant because in the Caribbean finals from 2009 to 2011, some Cuban and foreign teams, with more experience in the field of programming, were registered with none or only one problem solved, which means that the average level for the country as a sub-region has risen since then.