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SemanadelaSaludyelBienestar-4c83e24c Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC celebra Semana de la Salud y el Bienestar


Publication date:

03 October 2023

INTEC celebrates Health and Wellbeing Week

SANTO DOMINGO. - With the motto “Living well is your choice!”, Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo He made the Health and Wellness WeekIn which teachers y collaborators from the university were able to access Medical consultations, talks about mental health, nutrition plans, skin care, Workout routines, meditation sessions, among other activities focused on comprehensive care.

The event organized by Directorate of People Management was carried out from September 25 to 29, with the aim of motivating collaborators to reflect and do cambios to be able to live in physical well-being y emotional.

In a cycle of virtual and in-person talks topics related to the blood pressure, general nutrition, riding a people with diabetes and also nutrition during menopause. Furthermore, the topic of kidney diseases and their complicationss. There was a workshop to understand the Pension System.

Professor Julio Valeiron, coordinator of Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS-INTEC), with the support of the Psychology teachers, gave the workshop “Strengthening your well-being”, in which participants were motivated to find themselves by analyzing various aspects of their lives.

In that week of personal care, collaborators and teachers participated in a massage day relaxing sessions performed by members of the Touch Massage Center of the National Board of the Blind, in which they were able to release the accumulated tension and return to their work more relaxed. In addition, a Yoga session and another meditation to find the calm, peace y the equilibrium.

Employees were able to have facials to improve the appearance of their face and had free access to vision checkups, which if they required glasses they could purchase at once. There were also cardiological and gynecological consultations.

To carry out the Health and Wellbeing Week, INTEC had the support of Banco Popular; the Pension Fund Administrators Siembra, Crecer and Banreservas; GBC pharmacies, Optic Go and the Smart Fit Gym. Also the company Our Flavor and Funeraria Blandino.  

Health and Wellness Week concluded by moving the body with a Smart dance class held in the Plaza de Los Fundadores.

In the end, the request of all those who participated in the Health and Wellbeing Week is that it be repeated again. “Not only were we able to disconnect our minds a little from our daily lives, but we were also able to slow down and think more about our health in a comprehensive way. Events like these should be held more often,” said Sherlene Martinez, collaborator of the Communication Department. Institutional.