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INTEC%20celebra%20la%20Semana%20Global%20INTECultural%20y%20del%20Emprendimiento-b3dfbe68 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC celebrates Global Week: Intercultural and Entrepreneurship


Publication date:

20 November 2023

INTEC celebrates Global Week: INTECultural and Entrepreneurship

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department (DEI) and the Institutional Mobility Unit of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) celebrated the Global INTECcultural and Entrepreneurship Week, in which they developed activities that promote cultural diversity, the entrepreneurial spirit and the strengthening of intellectual and entrepreneurial vitality through recreational activities, talks and programs.

From November 13 to 17, both units attached to the Vice-Rector's Office for Research, displayed a wide catalog of events to celebrate Dominican identity and expose the culture of other countries. A series of activities designed to inspire, educate and connect the community were also offered, promoting personal and professional growth in a multicultural and entrepreneurial environment. 

 The Institutional Mobility Unit held a series of talks associated with issues of student and teaching mobility, scholarships abroad and the International Staff Week, aimed at raising awareness about the Higher Education system in the Dominican Republic and INTEC, sharing experiences, motivating cooperation and expanding the network of relations with participating countries.

Likewise, interactive contests on general culture were held with different prizes, and the exhibition of cultures from around the world in the different stands located throughout the campus.

INTEC%20celebra%20la%20Semana%20Global%20INTECultural%20y%20del%20Emprendimiento%20c Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC celebrates Global Week: Intercultural and Entrepreneurship

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Regarding the Global Entrepreneurship Week that is celebrated internationally, the OF carried out a series of programs associated with the development of entrepreneurial ideas and projects. He Ideation Workshop was a program designed to foster creativity and innovative thinking among college students, and the Sprint Program, an interactive program of four sessions, focused on the exploration of tools and use of agile methodologies, in which participants explored essential methods and tools for the generation of innovative ideas and the validation of business concepts, from the identification of customer needs. market to the creation of base prototypes.

Finally, a program was developed Basics for financial planning” which aimed to equip entrepreneurs with the financial skills necessary to make solid and strategic decisions in managing their business projects.

The talks that took place during the Global INTECultural and Entrepreneurship Week were an opportunity for participants to familiarize themselves and strengthen their prior knowledge on entrepreneurship issues. Topics were developed on the digital era, entrepreneurial opportunities in emerging industries, talks to inspire university students, challenges in the initial stage of entrepreneurship, business scalability and tips that young people should know when wanting to start a business, among others.

The talks had the support of sponsorship from Cree Banreservas and were given by Dominican entrepreneurs, innovation and entrepreneurship specialists and international guests from different universities in different countries, who also participated in the International Staff Week.

Likewise, representatives of the “El Plan 2023” tournament visited the campus facilities to teach students how to implement business strategies through a board game designed by the Chilean company Momento Cero, which has a network of certified Ambassadors. in the Learning by Playing methodology.

To relive the moments of the Global Week: INTECultural and Entrepreneurship, you can visit the social networks and the website of the Institutional Mobility Unit (Instagram: @Intecmoves); or the website and social networks of the Directorate of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Instagram: @Ceiintec).

INTEC%20celebra%20la%20Semana%20Global%20INTECultural%20y%20del%20Emprendimiento%20b Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC celebrates Global Week: Intercultural and Entrepreneurship