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intec-aniversario-44-20161014-6e670a67 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC celebra 44 aniversario de su fundación


Publication date:

14 October 2016

INTEC celebrates 44 anniversary of its foundation

SANTO DOMINGO. The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) initiated the commemorative activities of the 44 anniversary of its foundation with the traditional Institutional Breakfast that brings together the Intecian family. 

Surrounded by the verdure of the so called Bosquecito of the academic campus, students, professors, collaborators and authorities of the academy shared a moment of leisure and they paid honor a two "giant bees" that will no longer be in Beehive, el past rector, Rafael Corominas Pepín and Vice President of the Board of Regents, Miguel Mejía Gil, who died recently.

The rector, Dr. Rolando M. Guzmán, addressed a message to the community in which he passed the balance to year 2016 , year that qualified as impressive, for the number of realizations obtained by INTEC. 

"In recent months, the curricular reform in which framework more than ten new careers and programs, in areas so novel that until now no university had taken on the challenge of exploring them. Accreditation of all business programs by an internationally prestigious agency was achieved and the improvements in the system of evaluation and incentive of teachers, through the Teacher Efficiency Index and other instruments, "he said. 

He also stressed that INTEC has taken a step forward with the creation of several research groups within the framework of a regulation aimed at promoting this activity. He pointed out as an important aspect the obtaining the first patent achieved by a Dominican university, thanks to the design of an Automatic Heating Catalyst as a result of the joint work of students and professors of the Engineering Area. 

He also indicated that in the field of management there improvements in logistics support processes, including areas like Shopping and Maintenance, the improvement of the performance evaluation system and the virtualization of various services offered by the university to students. 

In terms of infrastructure He stressed that in this year the buildings for Health Sciences and postgraduate studies.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Board of Regents, past rectors and founding members of the university, as well as vice chancellors, deans and other academic authorities.