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INTEC will analyze the impact of COVID-19 for Dominican women
SANTO DOMINGO. -The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) will carry out this Wednesday, May 13, a virtual meeting with the objective of to analyze the impact on the lives of women of the pandemic COVID-19, and the need to define comprehensive strategies with a gender perspective.
The virtual meeting “The life of women in the time of COVID-19” will be open to the public and will be broadcast live at 11:00 in the morning by INTEC's YouTube channel (@INTECrd), which can be accessed through this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StLFZ7dwPMg&feature=youtu.be and its educational radio station radio.intec.edu.do.
The event will have the participation of Janet Camilo, Minister for Women; Francisca Peguero, President of the National Nursing Association (Asonaen) and Millizen Uribe, journalist, teacher and activist for women's rights. In addition, they will participate Altagracia Valdez, international specialist in gender violence and violence against women and human rights; Dinys Luciano, researcher, author, teacher and international consultant on violence against women and girls, and will be moderated by Fátima Lorenzo, coordinator of the INTEC Center for Gender Studies (CEG-INTEC).
This would be the fifth webinar held by INTEC to analyze the possible effects that COVID-19 will have on the productive sectors and on society. Participants will address the current conditions and challenges of women in the context of this health crisis such as: necessary strategies from violence against women and unpaid care work, executions of the Ministry of Women in policies to face the pandemic, the situation of women journalists and nurses in the front line of assistance.
The first of the meetings addressed the system of the impact of COVID-19 on the health sector, the second national economic aspects facing the pandemic, the third was on the impact on primary education and the fourth covered the challenges of COVID-19 for mental health.