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Corte-1-96e87a2c Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Instruyen a docentes para la formación de profesionales emprendedores


Publication date:

July 16 2012

They train teachers for the training of entrepreneurial professionals

Santo Domingo. The competitive world demands young people prepared to identify opportunities, take risks and execute innovative projects of global importance. For this reason, and with the purpose of motivating academics to use entrepreneurship in the training of professionals capable of thinking beyond expectations, the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) recently offered a workshop for teachers interested in adapting their teachings and achieving more innovative and globalized learning in their students.

The "Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Teaching Workshop" lasted 10 hours and was taught by Anibal Fossatti, Project Coordinator of Innovation and Intellectual Property at the Technological University of Panama (UTP), and Anne Sophie Tejeda, Director of Entrepreneurship and INTEC Innovation.

In his participation, Fossatti addressed topics on creativity and entrepreneurship, generating innovative ideas and formulating winning proposals, as well as exhibiting some of the success stories of the UTP.

For her part, Anne Sophie Tejeda discussed the behavior of a good entrepreneur and showed participants a presentation of what is the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of this academic institution.

In the workshop that also seeks to further raise the level of INTEC graduates, participated INTEC teachers and representatives of partner institutions such as Onapi and Unphu.

The majority of those present expressed their commitment to support the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation through their docents, participating in the competencies and other activities carried out by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of INTEC.