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MartinAbbott-a9cb76a9 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Ingeniero Martín Abbott galardonado como Codiano del año


Publication date:

January 14 2019

Engineer Martín Abbott awarded as Codiano of the year

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors (CODIA) recognized al civil engineer Martin Abbott Zorrilla, coordinator for the Civil Engineering career of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), as Codiano of the year 2017-2018, during the celebration of 56 anniversary of that institution.

With this award, the guild valued the academic work which Abbott has carried out in order to train new engineering and architecture professionals, as well as their contributions to the consolidation, institutional and union development for the benefit of the qualitative and quantitative growth of CODIA.

At the event, which took place in the Surveyor Julio Ravelo de la Fuente room at CODIA headquarters, Abbott thanked all the organism's directors for the work they have developed and the support of all the professionals who contribute their knowledge and professional experiences in favor of their colleagues. He affirmed that as long as God gives him life he will be linked to teaching.

Abbott Zorrilla has developed a broad career as a teacher at INTEC, the university from which he graduated in 1986. In 1989 taught the subjects "Construction method" y "Construction administration" to which was also added that of "Construction legislation" and "Methods and costs of works ”.  He is also the coordinator of the Master of Construction Administration since 1995, he has coordinated the Postgraduate in Transportation and graduates de Construction company and Real Estate Management. From 2001 to 2014 he was a member of the INTEC Research Council.

In the CODIA it was founder y president of the Legal Engineering Chapter y presidio also the Permanent Education Commission of the entity and the coordination of Chapters. In the act in which the trajectory of the engineer Abbott Zorrilla was recognized, the Gallery of National Former Presidents of the union and Codiano of the year was also reopened, located at the entity's headquarters.