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They give awareness workshops on Gender and Decent Work for women and men in the Mipymes sector
SANTO DOMINGO- The Center for Gender Studies Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) began awareness workshops on gender issues and decent work, with the aim of contributing to improving the business work environment for women and men in the MSMEs sector, in which both owners, owners and workers participate, as well as the staff of the Centro MIPYMES of INTEC.
The training proposal has been designed at the request of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MIPYMES (MICM) of the Dominican Republic, to be developed from the Center for Gender Studies in coordination with the Institute of Gender and Family of the UASD, with the aim of increasing the productive quality of MSMEs to improve their competitiveness in internal markets and external, and thus contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable growth of the Dominican economy.
The participants will be 200 businesswomen, businessmen and workers from the MSMEs sector from the different provinces and municipalities of the country and staff and from the MSMEs Centers.
The survey conducted by the Fund for the financing of microenterprises (FONDOMICRO) in 2014 showed that in the Dominican Republic there are around 1.5 million companies. Also, the report prepared by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on the situation of the MSME market in the country due to COVID 19, evidenced that women lead 51.3% of microenterprises in the country.
Likewise, it is observed that women's microenterprises are concentrated in commercial activities that are carried out in the environment of their owners' homes. For example, food and beverage manufacturing, textile manufacturing, retail businesses, beautification activities, and educational services, among others.
The program will be developed in two phases: the first on Gender and MSMEs and the second on technical and practical elements to guarantee successful ventures on equal terms aimed at owners and workers of MSMEs and the INTEC Mipyme Center.
5 days of 4 face-to-face hours will be developed, according to the possibilities of the beneficiaries. The teaching team will be made up of personnel from the Social Sciences and Humanities Areas and from the Economics and Business Area, with expertise in gender, entrepreneurship, management, business, leadership and collaborative training processes in MSMEs.
For those interested in being part of this training, you can contact Crisalmy Mateo, CEG INTEC Project Assistant to the mail
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The Center for Gender Studies of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) was founded in 1987 with the aim of studying gender inequality from a formal academic space, defining analytical perspectives and contributing to policies that overcome inequalities. In his more than 30 years, he has developed numerous investigations, advised different public and private, national and international instances, and offered specialized training to a large number of professionals through its different academic programs.