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Alejandro%20Larreamendy%20Joerns%20WEB-9cc8ab9f Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - IES are also called to seek the excellence of their human capital


Publication date:

24 2013 June

IES are also called to seek the excellence of their human capital

SANTO DOMINGO.- The most common mistake made by the Human Resources teams of the Higher Education Institutions (IES) is to assume that the administrative staff does not require an investment to develop their skills, competences and knowledge in the same way as the one that is intended for the faculty.

As Alejandro Larreamendy Joerns, a consultant, researcher and trainer in Talent Management, points out, the global trend of Human Management in higher education takes as a starting point the concept that the total number of collaborators contributes equally to the success of institutional objectives and strategies and academic results.

"All administrative procedures are essential to maintain student enrollment, and if there is an imbalance between organizational and educational success there will be serious management problems," said the specialist during the conference. "Challenges of Human Management versus the strategies of HEIs in the knowledge society" during the first seminar “The Management of Human Talent in Dominican Higher Education Institutions”, which was held in the Julio Ravelo de la Fuente Hall Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC).

Gesti%C3%B3n_Humana_-_Copy Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - IES are also called to seek the excellence of their human capital

During the activity, which was attended by managers of Human Resources of 42 universities, academic authorities of INTEC and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT), the specialist raised the need for HEIs to acquire a strategic mindset and understand that "organizational knowledge must be developed with the same levels of excellence that knowledge develops in students," he said.

The words of introduction were in charge of the director of the INTEC Rolando Guzmán, who stressed that the activity is part of the efforts made by the academy in connection with the start of its new Strategic Plan for the next five years, and through which the institution aims to make a qualitative leap of great proportions.
"This Plan establishes as a vision that INTEC should be a model of higher education, recognized nationally and internationally for its academic excellence, the quality of its processes and its social responsibility," the academic pointed out.

The first seminar "The Management of Human Talent in Dominican Higher Education Institutions" was organized by the management of Human Resources and the Vice Presidency of Administration and Finance of INTEC, with technical support from the Center for Innovation in Higher Education (CINNES).

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