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INTEC%20Seminario%20Gestion%20humana%20en%20IES-0df9f65f Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Human management of universities, does it impact teaching work?


Publication date:

19 2013 June

Human management of universities, does the teaching work impact?

SANTO DOMINGO.- The executives of the Human Management departments of 42 institutes and universities of the country will meet this Friday 21 in June in the first seminar "The management of human talent in Dominican higher education institutions", which will be held at the Julio Ravelo de la Fuente Room Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC).

The seminar, the first in the country aimed at the human management of Higher Education Institutions (IES), aims to become a space for discussion on the impact of Human Management processes on academic staff, the challenges of the sector, exchange of best practices, as well as the strengthening of cooperation links between those responsible for promoting university management.

"Our work as managers of human capital in higher education organizations poses challenges of increasing complexity because the impact of our actions is translated more and more into tangible results for the achievement of the goals of the universities, in the strategic and operational order" said Yolanda Salazar, director of Human Resources at INTEC. "That is why we assume the commitment to create a professional space for reflection on these and other common themes, so that they can feed us with enriching experiences and strengthen the bonds of cooperation."

Seminar program

During the meeting there will be a comprehensive program that begins with the keynote address "The challenges of human management versus the strategies of HEIs in the knowledge society", delivered by the consultant, researcher and trainer in talent management Alejandro Larreamendy Joerns , from Colombia. In addition, the panel “Trends in the Human Management structure in HEIs” will be held by Ana Castellanos Irizarry, director of Human Resources at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Thelma Camarena, UNICDA Administrative Vice-Rector, and Cristiano Núñez .. In addition, the panel “Trends in the Human Management structure in HEIs” will be held by Ana Castellanos Irizarry, Director of Human Resources at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.

In the same way, the program includes the presentations "Recruitment System of the Universidad Catolica Tecnológica del Cibao (UCATECI)", by Carina Villar, Director of Human Resources; "Construction and validation of a university organizational climate scale", by Emmanuel Silvestre, research professor of the BHD chair and of the INTEC Business Area.
"The experience of the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) in the development and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard" will also be presented, by the director of Human Resources Management of that house of studies, Yadira López.

The seminar is organized by the management of Human Resources and the Vice Chancellorship of Administration and Finance of INTEC, with technical support from the Center for Innovation in Higher Education (CINNES). In addition to the directors of Human Resources of the country's universities, the activity is open to administrative vice-rectors interested in the subject. 

Some of the universities and institutes that have confirmed their participation are:

Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD)

University Action for Education and (UNAPEC),

Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM)

National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU)

Ibeoamerican University (UNIBE)

Dominican University of Industrial Psychology (UPID)

Dominican-American University (UNICDA)

Catholic University of Cibao University (UCATECI)

Higher Academy of Aeronautical Sciences (ASCA)

Instituto Politécnico Loyola (IPL)

Specialized Institute of Higher Studies of the National Police (IEEPN)

Global Institute of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (IG)

Catholic University Santo Domingo (UCSD)

Technological Catholic University of Barahona (UCATEBA)

Technological University of the South (UTESUR)