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407-54896332 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Futuros médicos presentan investigaciones en la jornada 61 de Bio-INTEC


Publication date:

February 24 2012

Future doctors present research at the 61 day of Bio-INTEC

Santo Domingo. In search of solutions to problems of the health sector in the Dominican Republic, first year medical students Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), presented the results of seven clinical investigations carried out during the last two years, in what was the day number 61 of Bio-INTEC.

One of the projects in the area of ​​pulmonology, dealt with the frequency of the use of "La Hookah" in undergraduate students of a university institution in Santo Domingo, during the August - September period of 2011. The investigation showed that the practice of this type of smoking is more and more frequent in the young-adult public. A large part of the young 354 studied, all between 16 and 21 years of age, reflected the presence of similar toxic substances in their organisms, product of the use of hookahs.

Another of the investigations analyzed the control of asthma in children from 5 to 18 years of age who attend the outpatient clinic of pulmonology at the Dr. Robert Reid Children's Hospital during the 21 period of August - 10 of October of 2011.

In its conclusion, this report showed that the incidence of asthma is related to the origin of asthmatic patients and age and that the highest incidence of this condition occurs in the male gender.

Two of the investigations addressed issues of Bioethics, with studies on the level of humanization of health services according to the perception of patients, doctors and nurses of the Department of General Surgery of the Dr. Salvador B. Gautier Hospital (September - October of 2011 ), and the importance and contributions of the Existential Ethics Committee in the Plaza de la Salud General Hospital. Professor Miguel Suazo, an expert from the Center for Bioethics at INTEC, described these researches as a contribution to documentation and generation in the interest of researching bioethics.

The exhibition is the first of two research that each group of medical students must do during their career. The goal of BioINTEC is for future doctors to come into contact with reality in hospitals and to propose solutions to Dominican health problems.

The BIO-INTEC sessions are organized by the Health Sciences Area of ​​the university every two quarters, from 1983, with the support of the Vice-Rectory for Research and Academic Linking and the areas of Basic and Environmental and Social Sciences and Humanities.




Evaluation of the Humanization Level of Health Services according to the perception of patients, doctors and nurses of the Department of General Surgery of the Dr. Salvador B. Gautier Hospital, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in the September - October period of 2011.

Importance and Contributions of the Existential Ethics Committee in the Plaza de la Salud General Hospital, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in the August - October period of 2011.


Incidence of Rectum Cancer in patients who attend the Plaza de la Salud General Hospital, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, during the May period of 2009 - May of 2011.


Level of knowledge, attitudes and practices about natural disasters of active students of grade level Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, during the August - September period of 2011.


Frequency of the use of Hookah in the undergraduate students of a University Institution, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, during the August - September period of 2011.

Evaluation of asthma control in 5-18 children who attend the outpatient clinic of pulmonology at the Dr. Robert Reid Cabral Children's Hospital, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, during the 21 period of August - 10 of October of 2011.


Prevalence of depression symptoms in female students of the Medicine career of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in the period August - October of 2011.