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47%20Frank%20Rainieri%20Grupo%20Puntacana-1-f6f47d2a Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Frank Rainieri assures INTEC graduates are part of the social progress and development of the Dominican Republic


Publication date:

07 November 2022

Frank Rainieri assures INTEC graduates are part of the social progress and development of the Dominican Republic

SANTO DOMINGO. - Frank Rainieri Marranzini, Founder of Puntacana Group, ensured that each professional trained in the classrooms of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) is one more piece in the scaffolding of social progress and development of the Dominican Republic.

As a guest speaker at the sixty-fifth INTEC graduation ceremony, the entrepreneur in the tourism sector, who was a member of the Board of Regents of the University for a period of nine years, indicated that at the time of founding INTEC the world was experiencing the effects of the so-called "Cold War", however, "the founders of INTEC were not carried away by pessimism or by difficulties and obstacles. They opted to look to the future with hope, willing to work hard and with the certainty that we could achieve a better society and a better country,” he said.

Rainieri pointed out that the founders of INTEC had vision, passion y perseverance, “magic words with which they assumed a commitment to their country that they fulfilled with hard work and a dose of pragmatism, animated at all times by a different sense of mission: to provide our society with a new professional training format based on reality of the labor market and social responsibility”, he maintained.

He indicated that vision, passion, work and perseverance have marked his path throughout his 76 years. “I started my professional life at the age of 21, which is probably the age many of you are. In those times, while many organized their luggage to leave the country in search of other scenarios, I decided to stay and discover opportunities”. 

When addressing the 854 undergraduate and postgraduate graduates that were invested during the graduation ceremony held at the Sans Souci Convention Center, Rainieri indicated that, after starting the Punta Cana project, 20 years passed before it began to bear fruit. However, he pointed out that after touring that territory he was able to realize that tourism had enormous potential in the world, in the Caribbean and in the Dominican Republic.

“I had to come up with other businesses to support my family, including a nightclub... I know what the plural... Puntacana is the best-known tourist destination in our country, it has the lowest unemployment rate and it has top-notch human resources,” said the businessman, receiving applause from the crowd.

Frank Rainieri reiterated that vision, passion, work and perseverance were and continue to be the axis of his professional and personal life. "And these are the axes that I propose today as beacons on your paths in the search for personal and professional development, without forgetting your commitment to our country and your family, firmly anchored in honesty and responsibility."

He exhorted the graduates to never forget passion, which in his opinion is the internal force that moves the individual to do things. “You have to love what you do, and do it with love. and when there is passion in what is done, the routine is displaced by the dedication"He said.

Rainieri argued that the XNUMXst century is marked by social and environmental responsibility, so professionals cannot live with their backs turned to the realities that affect not only the country, but the entire world. "Nor can we ignore the moral and human obligation to preserve and guarantee the sustainability of development and access to a decent life for all human beings."

When doing this analysis, Frank Rainiri Marranzini called on INTEC graduates to live their own lives, their own experiences and their own dreams without forgetting his commitment with the society that surrounds them and the nation where they live. “Even less with the university that has trained them. Ethically exercising your profession together with your vocation for service and social participation will contribute to a better society and a better nation”, she stressed.