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GeneroJusticia-df0ea5ec Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Fiscales y personal de justicia del MP concluyen programa de formación integral: género y justicia


Publication date:

28 October 2022

Prosecutors and justice personnel from the MP conclude a comprehensive training program: gender and justice

SANTO DOMINGO. - tax, abogados, lawyers y technical staff of the different units of attention to victims of gender violence, family and sexual crimes of the Attorney General of the Republic finished the program Comprehensive Training in Gender and Justice, imparted by the Center for Gender Studies Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), also in coordination with the Gender Directorate Public Ministry and the auspice for the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID),

This program had 121 participants and is part of the project "Improving the quality of services aimed at Effective Care and Protection for Victims of Gender Violence, Domestic Violence and Sexual Crimes", whose objective is to ensure that the responsible staff have better tools and learn about experiences of good practices, in order to make the service offered by the Public Ministry to victims of this type of violence more efficient.

Leading the act of delivery of certificates, the Attorney General of the Republic, Miriam German Brito, affirmed that the Public Prosecutor's Office, during its management, has assumed the challenge of strengthening, not only the prosecution of this special crime itself, but also the protection system as a whole, so that the women victims continue the criminal process and their aggressors may have an exemplary sanction.

"It is necessary, urgent and pertinent to raise awareness regarding gender violence in the framework of criminal investigation," added the highest representative of the Public Ministry.

On her side, the head of the Directorate against Gender Violence, magistrate Ana Andrea Villa Camacho, explained that it is the first comprehensive training program with a gender and human rights approach that, in the virtual modality of workshops, is taught to prosecutors, lawyers, lawyers and technical personnel from the different jurisdictions of the country.

In addition to magistrate Germán Brito and Villa Camacho, the event was headed by the Spanish ambassador, Antonio Pérez Hernández y Torra; together with Manuel Alba and Ana Álvarez, from AECID, and Clara Aquino, coordinator of Bilateral Cooperation of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD). Present for INTEC were Alliet Ortega, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance; Desiree del Rosario Sosa, general coordinator of the Center for Gender Studies, and Mary Cantisano Rojas, academic coordinator of the training program.  

On behalf of INTEC, Vice Chancellor Ortega pointed out that, during the eight weeks of the training, prosecutors, assistant lawyers, coordinators of the Gender Violence Units and staff of the Life Line Contact Center, nationwide, They developed capacities to be able to respond to the scourge of violence against women, a problem that maintains the Dominican Republic with one of the highest rates of femicide in Latin America.

Likewise, he highlighted that the Center for Gender Studies, which celebrated its 35th anniversary, also offers programs in this area of ​​justice to contribute to the development of techniques and skills of the Public Ministry and all gender violence units of the country, since in the fight against this scourge education plays a fundamental role.

The Spanish ambassador reaffirmed his country's support for the fight against gender violence, which is an evil that affects not only the Dominican Republic, but in many places represents the clearest consequence of gender inequality. Therefore, he said that the Spanish cooperation will continue to provide support for the work of the persecution and subsequent punishment of the aggressors, to protect the women and their families.

Members of the Public Ministry of Barahona, La Vega, Puerto Plata, San Juan de la Maguana, San Pedro de Macorís, Santiago de los Caballeros, Duarte, Valverde, Dajabón, Peravia, La Romana, National District, Gran Santo participated in the training workshops. Sunday and Bahoruco. Among the teachers who took part in the training were Desiree del Rosario, María Jesús Pola, Nadia Ventura, Patricia Santana, María Rosalba Díaz, Isaura Suárez and Esther Agelán.