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Smester-5031f4f3 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Exponen logros EMIG-INTEC en VII Congreso Mediterráneo de Medicina de Emergencias


Publication date:

25 September 2013

Expose EMIG-INTEC achievements in the VII Mediterranean Congress of Emergency Medicine

SANTO DOMINGO.- Doctors Pablo Smester, Armenia Mordán and Sara Acosta of the Emergency Medicine Interest Group of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (EMIG-INTEC) were invited to exhibit at the Poster Presentation of the VII Mediterranean Congress of Emergency Medicine, held in Marseille, France, from 8 to 11 in September.

The activity, organized by the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EuSEM), American Society of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) and for the French Society of Emergency Medicine (SFMU), with the participation of hundreds of academic institutions from Europe, Latin America and the United States.

Active participation

During their presentation at the event, representatives of EMIG-INTEC had the opportunity to present the research work "Impact of Emergency Medicine Interest Groups in the Dominican Republic", which addresses the condition of the emergenciología in the health centers of the country, and the different initiatives of the group to train and share good practices in the area.

Student training to provide emergency trauma care, club meetings, case studies and film forums, blood donation days and medical operations are some of the main initiatives promoted by the EMIG-INTEC.

Dr. Pablo Smester, Coordinator of the Simulations Laboratory (SimLab-INTEC) and main support of the EMIG, indicated that the congress allowed to share experiences and to link the representatives of EMIG-INTEC with specialists linked to the simulation in medicine worldwide, and to know about good practices that could be reproduced in the country.

"We were able to put on high in foreign waters, and before a broad and mixed scientific community, the name of our institution and the work that we have been developing ", said Smester, who is also the coordinator of the Medical Simulations Laboratory (Simlab).

Poster-1 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Exhibits EMIG-INTEC achievements in VII Mediterranean Congress of Emergency Medicine

Likewise, he highlighted the participation of the EMIG-INTEC team in the Emergency Simulation Competition and the opportunity to carry out networking exchanges with representatives of several emergency programs in the United States and Puerto Rico, with whom the preparations for exchanges began. academic

The organizers of the Congress informed that they received more than 3,000 application applications for the presentation of research papers for the activity, of which 216 was chosen to make their oral presentation and other 750 to exhibit in the Poster Competition.

The EMIG-INTEC poster was highlighted by Dr. Fernando Soto, member of the Congress Academic and Accreditation Committee, for being the only one who worked on emergency medicine from the point of view of its impact at the undergraduate level.

Announce relaunch

The next 4 in October the EMIG-INTEC has scheduled an act of relaunching in which the results of the research presented in the Mediterranean Congress of Emergency Medicine, and the new directive of the academic group will be presented.

Similarly, Dr. Carlos de los Santos, specialist surgeon and former director of the Burn Unit of the Pearl F. Ort of Santo Domingo, will give the keynote address "Updating the Burned Patient Approach".

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