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P7051732%202 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Past director of INTEC Miguel Escala receives the title of Extraordinary Professor at UCNE


Publication date:

July 08 2013

Past rector of INTEC Miguel Escala receives title Extraordinary Professor of UCNE

SAN FRANCISCO DE MACORIS. The past rector of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), Miguel Escala, was recognized with the title of Extraordinary Professor by the authorities of the Nordestana Catholic University (UCNE), and as part of the commemorative activities of Teacher's Day.

The distinction, ratified by resolution 005-2013 of the Academic Council of the UCNE, was delivered during a ceremony headed by the Grand Chancellor of the Monseñor Fausto Mejía Vallejo Academy; the rector reverendo father Alfredo de la Cruz; the academic vice-chancellor Dr. Zamira Asilis de Estévez and Luz E. Francisco, directors of the School of Education and Coordinator of the Department of Teacher Evaluation and Development.

Escala, who is a research professor and advisor of the Center for Educational Studies (CEED) of INTEC, was selected to receive recognition for his teaching and research work for the benefit of the UCNE, while contributing to the academic tasks of that house of high studies, as indicated in the article 49 of the Profesoral Regulation of that academic institution.

Miguel_Escala_2 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Past director of INTEC Miguel Escala receives the title of Extraordinary Professor at UCNEDuring the recognition ceremony, which was held in the Theater Room of the Los Arroyos community university campus in San Francisco de Macorís, doctors Osvaldo Bienvenido Martín Durán and Jorge Max Fernández de Cueto also received the title of Extraordinary Professor. As long as they were recognized as Emeritus Professors Dr. Antonio Manuel Florencio Estrella and the graduates Dania Teresa Félix Pérez and Abelarda Mercedes Jerez Pantaleón.

Likewise, 30 teachers of the UCNE were recognized during the ceremony to fulfill 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of teaching service, and to obtain meritorious qualifications during the 2012 year.