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mje-72ddba1b Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Ex rector del INTEC asume la dirección ejecutiva del IGLU-OUI


Publication date:

29 2012 June

Former rector of INTEC assumes the executive direction of the IGLU-OUI

Montreal, Canada. The Inter-American University Organization (OUI-IOHE) recently announced that Dr. Miguel J. Escala, former rector of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), will assume the position of Executive Director of the Institute of University Management and Leadership (IGLU), the OUI program dedicated to the training of leaders in Higher Education in the Americas.

The IGLU represents a leading program of university managers in Latin America. Escala will be responsible for promoting a renewed offer of services and products to university leaders, with training that will unite the forces in common with the realization of specialized courses and internships; with specific sessions for senior management and an Observatory of Best Practices, as well as other opportunities for workshops and coaching to address specific issues that institutions require.

It will also ensure the strengthening of inter-institutional relations with the implementation of IGLU networks among collaborating institutions, experts, postgraduate and Igloo programs, as well as the promotion of extra-regional links through the creation of consortiums. In this way, the new guidelines of the IGLU / OUI will respond to the new tendencies and needs of university management in the Americas in this second decade of the 21st century, with a better complementarity between institutions and the other programs of the OUI and according to Strategic Orientations OUI 2011-2016.

Miguel Escala, was rector of INTEC for two consecutive periods during the 2005-2011 years and was Vice President of the IOHE for the Caribbean Region between 2008 and 2010. He has a Ph.D. in Higher Education from the Pennsylvania State University and served as a consultant in the Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic, the Ministry of Education of Costa Rica and in Action for Basic Education, among others. In the 2006, he was Professor of the Module on "Decision making in Higher Education" of the IGLU. His works and research focus on the issue of education and human resources development. His publications include the book Supervising Schools for Development, National Didactic Award in the Dominican Republic.

With nearly 30 years of existence and more than 20,000 trained managers, the IGLU / OUI has stood out for the quality and relevance of its training and improvement services with the most current trends in university management. The IGLU headquarters in República Domingo will be located in INTEC, thanks to the support of this institution, from the person of its current rector Dr. Rolando M. Guzmán.

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