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Students and graduates of the PhD and Master's programs in Mathematics participate in Numerical Analysis and Applications Conference
Organized by the Center for Research in Applied and Computational Sciences of INTEC, they are carried out with the objective of promoting knowledge and understanding of numerical analysis and its applications to real problems in various disciplines.
SANTO DOMINGO. - He Center for Research in Applied and Computational Sciences (CIACOM) of the Santo Domingo Technological Institute (INTEC) organized the 2024 Numerical Analysis and Applications Conference.
Aimed at researchers, academics, professionals and students, it was held at INTEC in a hybrid mode with the aim of promoting knowledge and understanding of numerical analysis and its applications to real problems in various disciplines such as engineering, physics, economics and biology, among others.
In this space, researchers and professionals from different fields, as well as Master's and PhD students in Mathematics shared knowledge and collaborated on projects related to numerical analysis. In addition, the event was an opportunity for networking within the numerical analysis community.
The topics addressed in the field of mathematics and applied computing included numerical algorithms, modeling and simulation, optimization, differential equations and their applications, data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning, all from different universities, including the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra (PUCMM); Salomé Ureña Higher Institute for Teacher Training (ISFODOSU); Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD); as well as other international institutions.
“We need synergy between the research being done in order to solve problems,” explained Maria Penkova, head of CIACOM, who coordinates the conferences and who, in turn, said that these solutions are applied to multiple topics related to practical cases in different areas of engineering.
The papers presented include “Optimal multipoint conformal methods for solving nonlinear problems” by Giro Candelario (INTEC), Alicia Cordero (UPV), Juan R. Torregrosa (UPV) and María Penkova (INTEC); “Application of multistep iterative methods to optimization problems” by Javier García Maimó (INTEC); and “Tracking consumer sentiment in real time in the Dominican Republic” by Lisette J. Santana (INTEC).
Also, “Optimization of Transport Routes with Multiple Stops” by Josian Acevedo and Javier García (INTEC); “Application of numerical optimization methods in economic modeling” by Natanael Ureña Castillo (INTEC); “Text Mining Algorithms: An Application to the Sovereign Differential of the Dominican Republic” by Gustavo Caaro (INTEC); “Stability of accelerator parameters in iterative vector methods without memory” by Antmel Rodríguez Cabral (INTEC), Alicia Cordero (UPV), Javier Maímo (INTEC), Juan Torregrosa (UPV).
Also presented were “Non-integrability of the Du_ng Oscillator Using the Morales-Ramis Theory” by Apolinar Hertziany Romero Vargas (INTEC), Primitivo Belén Acosta-Humánez (UASD) and “The Waring problem in integral quaternions” by Carlos Encarnación (INTEC).
TAI-certified Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics It is a proposal that aims to complement solid mathematical training with the use of computational tools, a scarce and valuable factor of competitiveness in a world increasingly dependent on scientific and technological development.
El PhD in Mathematics The aim of this programme is to train high-level researchers and specialists, to strengthen research in mathematics in the Dominican Republic, to support productive development and national competitiveness, and to promote academic collaboration with international experts and researchers. Its main goal is to lead students to the frontier of up-to-date knowledge in a specific field of Mathematics, so that they can write a doctoral thesis that presents original results with relevant contributions.