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INTEC-5-cb0763ad Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Estudiantes y docentes del INTEC reciben planes preferenciales de Internet de tres telefónicas locales


Publication date:

July 02 2020

INTEC students and teachers receive preferential Internet plans from three local telephone companies

SANTO DOMINGO. - At times when virtuality has become the new reality of educational institutions, Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) has joined the telecommunications companies Altice Dominicana, Claro Dominicana and Wind Telecom to implement Preferential Internet plans for students and teachers of that university.

Just by presenting your institutional card, the INTEC academic community will be able to access plans, which have discounts of up to 40% of the regular rates of the main telecommunications service providers in the country.

Claro Dominicana He designed special plans for both his fixed and mobile internet service. In the case of the fixed service, the benefits include Wifi modem, free installation, unlimited browsing and an email account with 4 and 10 mbps speed options. For mobiles, a Router and an additional 40 GB bonus are included in your regular 10 GB plan, with a speed of 10 Mbps. The amount of the plans ranges from RD $ 903.50 to RD $ 1,163.50, taxes included.

The mobile Internet proposal of Altice includes 9GB, 15GB, 21GB and 50GB plans with unlimited 512Kbps to 1Mbps browsing after exhausting the Gigas at the maximum speed of the mobile network and a plan based on the base speed of 10 Mbps up to 50GB and unlimited after consuming your plan. The telephone indicates that for these plans there are no time penalties, the equipment is included in most and the speed-based plan has a financing offer of 6 and 12 months and can be combined with another postpaid plan for an additional discount. Its costs range from RD $ 499.00 to 790.00.

In the case of Wind telecom, the UniNet Internet proposal includes 20GB, 30GB, 40GB and 50GB plansFree, included laptop for Wi-Fi or USB cable connection, ease of connection for up to eight users at the same time. With prices from RD $ 595 to RD $ 1,195 pesos.  

The facilities agreed with INTEC were later extended to a similar program with the country's university associations.  

The rector of INTEC, Rolando M. Guzmán, indicated that by signing these agreements INTEC seeks to guarantee that university students and teachers can continue teaching in the virtual modality in an efficient way and without this representing a high cost to families. He stressed that the program has a goal of equity, by ensuring that no student is left behind for lack of a good connection.   

“We are aware that the Coronavirus has brought a high economic impact for Dominican families, and that is why we have established these strategic alliances so that members of our academic community have a good connection to the internet network to keep up. than virtual teaching ”, he said.