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401-1dc6740d Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Estudiantes del INTEC promueven tour al IMTS 2012, en Chicago


Publication date:

February 23 2012

INTEC students promote IMTS 2012 tour in Chicago

From the 10 to the 15 of September of 2012, a group of professionals and engineering students from different Dominican universities will visit the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS), the largest engineering and manufacturing trade show among the countries of the Western Hemisphere. performed every two years in the United States.

Thousands of people will gather at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, the largest in the United States, with an 248,000 m2 area in its four interconnected buildings (five times the Félix Sánchez Olympic Stadium). The IMTS is considered the best show to get ideas and find answers to manufacturing problems and know the products, services and market trends.

In order to publicize the details of this activity and how to participate, a group of INTEC students from the Engineering Area held an informational meeting on December 14 at 6: 00 pm at the García de la Concha Auditorium of INTEC.

The group, led by Jesse Abreu and Tony Beato, among others, promotes the visit of professionals and students from different universities to this fair, as an update experience, since the event includes a program of seminars, lectures and courses from different areas of engineering.

It is the opportunity to see and compare, in one place, new solutions through demonstrations and choose the best for the needs of companies, in addition to updating the capabilities to be competitive.

The tour, whose logistics is coordinated by the RVR Tours & Services agency, is aimed at professionals from the industry and students from any university in the areas of Engineering: mechanical, industrial, mechatronics, electrical, electromechanical, electronics and industrial design.

To receive information, interested parties can register in the mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. o This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For direct contact with the travel agency: RVR Tour & Services SRL at numbers 809-880-9029 and 829-909-8954.

The purpose of the informative meeting is to present the details of the IMTS 2012 RD Tour, answer questions and questions.

The group publishes the information through the networks of:

Facebook: IMTS 2012 RD Tour

Twitter: @TourIMTS2012RD