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estudiantesPSI-341102bb Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Estudiantes de psicología realizan intervención en centro educativo


Publication date:

February 19 2018

Psychology students perform intervention in educational center

SANTO DOMINGO. A group of students for the psychology career they attended as observers to a school of this Capital in which they observed the biopsychosocial factors of students, behavior of the teachers y managers, and they also applied intervention techniques which resulted in some improvements.

As a result, students Teresa Albornoz, Genesis Ramirez, Miguel Thomas, Caroline guzman, Safe Shade, Laura Pena, elaborated, along with four of his companions, a Manual of Suggestions, and designed a workshop for teachers qualified "Matter of attitude, different skills", in which they shared the results of the interventions with the children and some techniques to advance their accompaniment, and to make the teaching process more creative.

The young people, who attended the subject Intervention Techniques in Child Psychology, next to his teacher Julissa Gómez, they shared the results of their experience in the program "Science from the particular", which is transmitted through INTEC Radio every Friday, in 4 schedule: 00 to 5: 00 in the afternoon.

"The most valuable thing about this class is that these students were able to absorb in reality, what they have learned theoretically and put it into practice and see the importance of our psychology program and the transversality of the things that are learned," he explained Professor Gómez when participating in the radio program.

He narrated that the students should go to the classrooms, and based on the references of the teachers and the psychologists, they would focus on the children who have presented some anomalous behavior. From there they had to collect information about the child, that is, their background, family situation, academic performance and other factors, among which they had to identify any psychopathology and their intervention strategies.

“We had some assigned children, each one with some background that had taken them to the school psychologist. We used many techniques, the first of which was observation, as we observed the behavior of the child in class and the evidence of what had led him to the consultation with the psychologist. After two observation interventions, we used the game technique to create empathy with them, and during this game we conducted an interview, which led us to better understand what the child's life is like. Then we applied several tests ”, explained Teresa Albornoz, when telling her experience.

The subject Intervention Techniques in Child Psychopathology is aimed at students developing knowledge that allows them to understand the biopsychosocial aspects the development of children; facilitate processes of child psychoprophylaxis across family contexts y educational; recognize the psychological disorders, as well as interfering in learning in this age group; and manage strategies for its approach.