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405-6c4c6e27 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Estudiantes de INTEC se enfrentan a maestros ajedrecistas internacionales


Publication date:

February 24 2012

INTEC students face international chess masters

Santo Domingo. One hundred students from the different academic areas of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), on Wednesday, January 4, faced three international Chess masters in the First Chess Simultaneous held by the University's Social Sciences and Humanities Area.

Ramón Mateo, Grand International Chess Master, José Lisandro Muñoz, International Chess Master, and Miguel Infante, FIDE Master of Chess and current National Champion, were the sports experts who played with the intecianos.

The great international masters obtain their titles after having fulfilled five rules, among which is having won an international tournament and having good participation (between 75% and 80%) in two other events of the same category where they participated at least five countries.

The activity was supported by the Dominican Federation of Chess (FAD), chaired by Pedro Dominguez, who led the inauguration of the simultaneous with the Rector of INTEC, Rolando M. Guzman.

Guzmán explained that the INTEC has participated in a constant way in the last five university tournaments that the FAD has held in the country and for that reason the interest in promoting this type of competitions.

Dominguez announced that the FAD considers that the university will host the National Men's Chess Championship, to be held in March. In this competition, the most important in the country along with the National Women's Chess Championship (to be held in April), the Olympic team will be chosen to represent the Dominican Republic in the 2012 Turkey Olympics. 64 players representing 27 provinces of the country will participate in the men's championship.

Of the 100 participating students of INTEC, Daniel Arturo Matos, Civil Engineering managed to tie a game, facing who has been seven times national champion of chess Ramón Mateo.

Daniel, playing with the black pieces, masterfully used a Pelikan variant Sicilian Defense, which gave him very good results against the only International Grand Master the country has in all its chess history.

The role was also distinguished in a very good game by the student of Civil Engineering, Antmel Rodríguez Cabral, who played against MI Lisandro Muñoz.

The meeting, held in the INTEC square, was attended by Braulio Ramírez, administrative director of the FAD, Migdalia Martínez, Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities, Felix Lara, Dean of Basic and Environmental Sciences, Daniel Lara, Coordinator of Sports Courses , and INTEC professors Juanito Samboy and Carlos Banks, co-organizers of the activity.