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practicasdocentes-f85f612a Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Estudiantes de Educación del INTEC realizan su primera práctica docente


Publication date:

January 15 2018

Students of Education of INTEC carry out their first teaching practice

SANTO DOMINGO. Near 130 students of the bachelor's degrees oriented to secondary education of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) met to socialize the experiences what they had in schools de Educational Districts for the Regional 15 of this Capital.

Through subject de Teaching practice and as part of their professional training, the students of these degrees were inserted in school environments and they had the opportunity to see real context part of the skills developed during the time they have been studying their respective programs.

"This has been a very rich construction because it is an experience that, as we developed it at INTEC, we do not have it in any university, and since it is the first time, we have been very careful to monitor it," explained the coordinator of the courses of Education of INTEC, professor Islen Rodríguez.

During the activity, which took place in the Julio Ravelo de la Fuente room, students from each class section creatively shared the results of their first experience of teaching practice, which they carried out in seven secondary education centers of this city. For this, they created original songs, its own radio program, dances, videos, songs and other artistic resources.

"In the first two practices, students build their teaching identity, which is something that many of the teachers in service do not have and is very important, because they have to feel like teachers," said Professor Rodríguez, who indicated the program includes a total of six practices aimed at the training of future teachers of excellence.

INTEC initiated the offer of degrees in Physics, Chemistry, Science Social, Biology y Maths in 2017 with a focus on Secondary Education.