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Webinar-5577aca3 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Especialistas analizarán impacto del COVID-19 en la educación primaria


Publication date:

April 20 2020

Specialists will analyze the impact of COVID-19 on primary education

SANTO DOMINGO. - Behind the mandatory quarantine imposed by the Government to stop the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), one of the sectors traditional affected has been the educational. The schools y colleges they should have suspend la classroom teaching and assume the modality of virtual teaching.

Can the school year be retaken? That is the question most frequently asked by parents and teachers themselves. That is why the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) will carry out this Wednesday April 22, the webinar "Implications of COVID 19 for the Dominican education system" to address the issue.

El meeting virtual scheduled for 11:00 in the morning will be moderated by the director of the Educational Studies Center of the INTEC, Elizabeth Ellen Gonzalez And will have the participation of Antonio CaparrosExecutive Director INICIA Education Foundation; Anton Tejeda, President Association of Private Educational Institutions (NSAIDs); Dinorah Garcia Romero, rector of the Pedro Poveda Higher Institute of Educational Studies; Víctor Sánchez, Vice Minister of Planning of the Ministry of Education (MINERD); Y  Xiomara Glove, president of the Dominican Association of Teachers (ADP)

This would be the third webinar conducted by INTEC to analyze the possible effects that COVID-19 will have on the productive sectors of society, which will be broadcast live on INTEC's YouTube channel (@INTECrd) and your educational station INTEC Radio.  

The first of the meetings addressed the health system and the second national economic aspects facing the pandemic.

INTEC President, Rolando M. Guzmán, specified that the meetings have the primary objective of analyzing the context in which COVID-19 takes place in the Dominican Republic and evaluating what the consequences would be in the short, medium and long term.