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220-5af4b6f5 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Equipo de INTEC representa a RD en torneo internacional de Ultimate


Publication date:

August 30 2010

INTEC team represents RD in international Ultimate tournament

Santo Domingo.- 14 young people including students and graduates of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) they represented for the first time the country as a university team in the Ultimate Gold Tournament of the EAFIT University of Medellin, Colombia, in which international university delegations participated.

From the 26 to the 28 of August, the team "Bees" of INTEC competed among seven universities Colombian and two international, among them the Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico), the National University of Colombia (Medellín), the University of Antioquia, the Pontificia Bolivariana, as well as the headquarters team, EAFIT. On the part of the Dominican Republic, Loyola College also competed in the collegiate category.

The players of this sport, popularly known as "frisbee", grow exponentially among people of all ages. "From 2008 to date the number of registered players in the Dominican Association of Ultimate Players (ADJU) has doubled and two women's teams have been formed, with more than 30 players between 13 and 45 years," explained Juan Manuel Vicioso , of the ADJU board, who heads the Dominican delegation that traveled to Medellín.

INTEC is the academic institution with the most representatives within the approximately 200 members of ADJU, Vicioso explained, also Engineering professor y graduated from INTEC.

The Ultimate is practiced in the field and track space of the Olympic Stadium, in the baseball fields of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) and in the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU). The ADJU holds three league-type tournaments and one national tournaments each year, among other competitions, which makes Ultimate one of the most promising sports in the Dominican Republic.

It is characterized by the release of a disc of 175 grams in a rectangular field of 100m x 37m, with two goal areas of 18 meters deep and without goals. In the country it is played from 1983.