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Mar%20Goat-6d07d2da Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - The US Embassy and INTEC offer an international diploma in Investigative Journalism


Publication date:

August 12 2020

US Embassy and INTEC offer international diploma in Investigative Journalism

SANTO DOMINGO. The Embassy of the United States in the Dominican Republic and Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), through the career in Social Communication and Digital Media of the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities, began the international diploma "Investigation journalism", Involving 70 journalists y journalism students from different universities in the country.

The course, which will include a faculty of prominent journalism professionals and experts in information and communication technologies from the United States and the Dominican Republic, began on Monday, August 10 with the keynote address: “Investigative journalism in the digital age and artificial intelligence ”, by the journalist María del Mar Cabra, Pulitzer Prize Winner for Journalism.

La Press Attaché of the United States Embassy In Santo Domingo, Caroline Stairs, highlighted that the number of journalists and students, about 900, who applied to participate in the diploma course, shows the great interest y necesidad what is in the country to contribute to the initial and continuous de journalism professionals in the research area.

He considered that for the US Embassy it is a high priority for journalists to acquire knowledge so that they are observers of society with research on transcendental issues related to human rights, the strengthening of democracy, and sustainable development, among others.

The academic program, which will be taught under the 100% virtual modality through the Moodle platform, will end on November 10. For the development of teaching, the Social Communication and Digital Media career will have the support of the Directorate of Permanent Education of INTEC.

On his side, the coordinator of the degree and the diploma, journalist Rosa Alcantara, explained that the purpose of academic program es provide knowledge and tools for practicing journalists and future professionals of social communication and digital media in the use of multiple platforms, communication channels y information sources that offers the technology for the search, analysis and disclosure of the data that is hidden and that it is necessary to reveal for the public and private exercise in a transparent way.

He informed that the diploma will be developed in three modules, which will pay tribute to three fundamental skills that the participants will acquire: digital, audiovisual and research, from a critical and social responsibility perspective.

Alcántara said that with the diploma INTEC seeks to contribute to the training of more and better journalists. He said that the academic program corresponds to the content of the study plan of the career in Social Communication and Digital Media that is taught at INTEC since August 2017, in the sense that the current labor market demands professionals who can be able to use the multiple platforms and digital and audiovisual formats, but also be innovative with the undertaking of their own projects.