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colmenadestacada-f704dbec Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - El talento de La Colmena brilla


Publication date:

March 28 2018

The talent of La Colmena shines

SANTO DOMINGO. The award for the highest talents in Dominican art and culture had been presented just a few days earlier at the National Theater. However, the flash of the winners of the Outstanding Beehive Award, through which the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) strengthens institutional values, value the teamwork and encourages innovation, had nothing to envy to the luminaries that paraded through the famous red carpet.

As soon as the nominees were announced, the entire international community began to choose their favorites and vote on the virtual platform designed for it. As the days approached, the questions on everyone's lips were “Have you already voted? By which teams? ”, Giving rise to debate and the occasional bet. The award is convened by the Rectory and coordinated by the People Management Directorate.

On the day of the ceremony, the Sala Julio Ravelo de la Fuente was dressed in red, and at the aforementioned time, the main authorities of the university began to parade, the nominated teams and the members of the community who longed to be witnesses of the occasion.

This time the istart of the act he marked it dance trio that integrates Patricia Ortega, Jonah Alberto y Mildres Rubirosa, members of the National Company of Contemporary Dance, with choreography of Dayme del Toro and guided by a declamation of Jozze Antonio Sanchez, in charge of Culture and Artistic Activities of INTEC. The presentation dazzled all attendees, due to the delicacy and timed coordination of their movements, and the depth of the message they made alive.

Then, the conduction of Adriana Del Conte provided an act that was relaxed, fluid and that kept everyone very entertained, at times trembling with nerves, and at others, laughing out loud, until its closing. In a few opening words, Rector Rolando M. Guzmán assured that the quality of the nominated initiatives and working groups made the work of the judges very difficult, due to their impressive results.

“All the nominees are a sample of the best of INTEC and that in the midst of the limitations of any underdeveloped country it is possible to do things well, and that there is no obstacle capable of resisting the push of an institution that wants to be example for your country. They signal the INTEC of the future ”, expressed Guzmán.

And the winners are…

In the first category of "Permanent Team with the Highest Contribution" fell on him Curriculum Department, who design y drove the process of curricular reform de degree y postgraduate to guide it towards the model by competencies.

Some of the milestones that reached are: update 17 graduate programs al Competency model, 269 Vocational redesigned subjects y designed by competencies, approval de four new degree programs and others four postgraduate, elaboration of Rubrics catalog for learning assessment and activities, elaboration of the Regulation of support to the student permanence, among others.

Department_of_Curr%C3%ADcle Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - The Hive's talent shines

While the "Temporary Team of Greater Contribution" Was the Recertification of Funds for Federal Loans, which joined the Finance Division, Area of ​​Health Sciences, Language School, Planning and Quality, as well as external consultants.

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His work involved the review and update of policies and procedures, control of operations and others, according to the needs of the institution, guidance to the administrative personnel who participated in the process, request for participation in the electronic systems of the Federal Department of Education, training for financial assistance personnel, monitoring and compliance with the laws, policies and regulations of the United States Department of Education, among other actions.

ceed Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - El talento de La Colmena brilla

Finally, in the category "Five-Year Contribution Team" the Center for Educational Studies (CEED-INTEC) by continuous improvement in the quality of Dominican education from comprehensive vision in the last five years. This, through the creation and development of research in the educational field, creation and implementation of innovative training projects and programs, among other initiatives.

Among his contributions, one could cite: creation and development of research in the educational field, creation and implementation of innovative training projects and programs, strengthening of the professional skills of the different actors of the educational system, fostering reflection and renewal of the educational reality Dominican, in line with national needs.

The presentation of each category, with an audiovisual of the highest quality, gave the impression that we were on an international stage, it is not surprising that after its production there was Pablo Lozano, INTEC's Multimedia coordinator, who is no stranger to those environments.

At closing, all attendees tasted a delicious toast.

Until the next installment!