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Graduandos%20de%20la%2058va%20graduacin%20del%20INTEC-104755db Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Dominican economist calls on professionals to use their voice to fight for social justice


Publication date:

April 13 2019

Dominican economist calls on professionals to use their voices to fight for social justice

SANTO DOMINGO. -The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) graduated this Saturday a 598 new professionals de degree y postgraduate during your Fifty-eighth graduation ceremonyIn which Wendy De La Rosa, economist of Dominican origin based in the United States, exhorted future professionals a exercise su must as citizens and as Dominicans of fight awarded by the social justice.

In delivering the order speech, De La Rosa, who is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, said that silence is the worst enemy for social change. "You also have a duty to speak," he emphasized, while reminding them of the honor of being college graduates in the country, "where 40% of the population does not have an intermediate education."

De La Rosa highlighted that from now on the new INTEC graduates "will have the opportunity to obtain excellent jobs in our country, where one in three people live with less than 63 pesos per day. But, above all, present themselves as candidates in a country that is riddled with corruption and make a difference. "

Wendy%20Of%20The%20Rosa Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Dominican economist calls on professionals to use their voice to fight for social justice

This young woman's interest in financial behavior issues prompted her to co-found Common Cents Lab, a financial research laboratory that creates and tests ways to help low- to moderate-income households achieve financial well-being, through which has helped dozens of families. In addition, he worked at Google, where he helped establish the first Behavioral Economics unit, and for Goldman Sachs, the largest bank on the stock market. De la Rosa is currently pursuing a doctorate in Consumer Behavior from Stanford University.

Also, the Rector Rolando M. Guzmán, when pronouncing his words, revealed that, according to a survey applied by the university, two out of three graduates of the INTEC, at the time of graduation, you already have a job, either full-time or part-time and that a 5% is developing some personal project.

Rector_Rolando_M._Guzm%C3%A1n Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Dominican economist calls on professionals to use their voice to fight for social justice

"One in each 10 graduates has the hope of forming their own company, one in three has plans to pursue postgraduate studies and three of each 100 would like to dedicate themselves entirely to research. It is clear that our graduates have all the conditions for a successful insertion in the labor market, "he said proudly, while remembering that in this new stage the new INTEC graduates have a moral obligation to give their best. in his professional and social environment.

During the ceremony, which was held at the Sansoucí Terminal, 305 women and 293 men were invested. Of which, 430 students (72%) belong to the grade level and 168 (28%) at the graduate level.

Of the 598 graduates, 113 concluded their academic programs with honors, of that total 32 graduated Summa Cum Laude, 47 with Magna Cum Laude, while 34 graduated as Cum Laude. Likewise, ten of the graduates belong to the INTEC Program with Outstanding Young People (PIES), a pioneering program of the university that grants scholarships for students of excellence.

In the ceremony

La graduated for the Bachelor of Mathematics with Concentration in Statistics and Actuarial Science, Edith Carolina Gómez Sánchez, graduated with the highest index of its promotion (4 points), pronounced the speech to his companions. He emphasized that, INTEC It was a Academic experience y Life Insurance.

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"INTEC gave us the opportunity to mold us as professionals, as friends, colleagues, citizens and human beings integrals. It gave us an impulse to grow y find our own voice, he helped us find our passion in life and for these and many other reasons more is that today we should feel grateful, "he said.

The professional congratulated her colleagues for fulfilling their dreams, believing in them and striving to complete the goal proposed since the first quarter. "We have a long way to go. All our effort and dedication have paid off, this is our time to celebrate, to feel proud of what we have achieved and to enjoy what we have achieved ", he pointed.

Gomez urged professionals not to consider graduation as an end, but as a bridge to a new stage. "Now we have to continue growing, take the guide with our hands and choose the path that seems most appropriate, continue our training as professionals and not leave aside our core values. Let's try not to be afraid to take risks. "

The oath of the graduates was in charge Freddy Lázaro Acosta Rivera, graduated from the career of Electric engineering, With honors Summa Cum Laude, a native of the province of Bahoruco, who was a beneficiary of a PIES grant.

 In figures

Of the total of graduates, 35.9% they belong to Engineering Area; 29.3% of the Area of ​​Economy and Business; 23.4% al Area of ​​Health Sciences; 9.5% al Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities, y 2.0% al Area of ​​Basic and Environmental Sciences. Bill 71.9% corresponds to the level of degree y 28.1% that of postgraduate. Similarly, one 51% are women and 49% men.