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Check out everything that happened at the INTECultural and Entrepreneurship Global Week
During this week, we at Intecianos immerse ourselves in the celebration and promotion of cultural diversity, entrepreneurial spirit and the strengthening of intellectual vitality on campus.
SANTO DOMINGO. - Among recreational activities, talks and conferences, the Directorates of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (DEI) and Institutional Mobility of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) joined forces for the second consecutive year to celebrate the Global INTECultural and Entrepreneurship Week, characterized by the prominence of the creative, multifaceted and entrepreneurial spirit of all Intecians.
From November 11 to 22, the units attached to the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Outreach held a series of events with the aim of celebrating Dominican identity, raising awareness of the culture of other countries and promoting professional growth in a multicultural and entrepreneurial environment.
During the opening ceremony, Rosario Arostegui, Vice-Rector for Research and Outreach at INTEC, said that entrepreneurship is an attitude that everyone takes on in life. “We are all entrepreneurs because we are all developing a project: a life project. And your life project begins by believing in yourself, first of all, believing in your ideas, validating them, going out to be your prototype, trying and realizing if this is the career I want or not, and what I am going to do with it, and how I project myself, and how I face each difficulty, and I move forward because I have a reason,” she said.
Wilfredo de León, representative of Cree Banreservas, explained the support program that he represents and that is available to entrepreneurs with innovative projects through capital investment and support, financed by Banco de Reservas.
Heidi Sánchez, Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; María Luisa Ferrand, Director of Mobility, and teacher Rosario Arostegui, cut the ribbon that marked the beginning of the different activities that were part of this great week.
What we experienced at INTECultural Week + International Staff Week
As part of the Week, The Institutional Mobility Unit developed the International Staff Week with the presence of international guests from different countries and universities. In this edition, talks were held on topics related to student and teacher mobility, scholarships abroad aimed at raising awareness about the Higher Education system in the Dominican Republic and INTEC, sharing experiences, encouraging cooperation and expanding the network of relations with participating countries.
Likewise, activities open to the public were held, including the conference “Interculturality in Higher Education”, given by Catalina Cerquera, advisor on Internationalization Strategies at Casa and the Curriculum of Higher Education Institutions, in which the expert provided participants with tools on how to promote knowledge on digital platforms, as well as the skills necessary in the work environment according to the World Economic Forum.
A session of Folkloric Ballet by the Ministry of Tourism sparked the interest of all those present after the conference, followed by a rally in which participating students demonstrated their general culture knowledge.
“How to develop a university internationalization strategy” was given by Rosario Díaz Dominguez, director of International Relations at the Universidad de los Andes Santiago, Chile. “Empowering glocal voices: actions for inclusive participation in Latin American universities” by Patricia Céspedes and “Internationalization trends in non-central institutions and their relationship with university extension” by Paulina Latorre.
“Successful models and innovative practices to enhance the participation of teachers in internationalization activities” was led by Matías Marín, Director of Internationalization at the Catholic University of Manizales, Colombia.
The embassy exhibition was available in the Julio Ravelo de la Fuente Room, where desserts from the following countries were presented: European Union, Canada, Germany, France, Japan, Mexico, Colombia, the United States and China.
“Among us: a meeting of connection and musical wisdom with singer-songwriter Diego Jaar” was part of the cultural activities, accompanied by the closing of the Week in which the band, with Dominican instruments, sang some songs from other countries to the rhythm of merengue.
World Entrepreneurship Week: Entrepreneurship for all
Regarding the Global Entrepreneurship Week that is celebrated internationally, the OF The company held a series of talks and programs related to the development of ideas and entrepreneurships. The first, “Become a real founder: vision, impact and structure,” was given by Luz González, a graduate of INTEC and mentor of mentors, founders and personal brands.
“Conscious entrepreneurship: the key to sustainable success through formalization and emotional intelligence” was the responsibility of Marcos Calderón, doctor of the Autonomous University of Puebla and during it the participants were able to learn about the creation of content focused on the importance of conscious entrepreneurship, highlighting two fundamental pillars: business formalization and emotional intelligence.
“Going from micro to small entrepreneur without failing in the attempt” was the responsibility of Rogelio Rico, who was sharing with the participants What are the crucial aspects to consider in a business growth process, expanding from a micro to a small business. “Social innovation: entrepreneurships that transform the world” by Erika Serrano, who Through success stories, current trends and practical strategies, participants learned about sustainable business models that balance profitability and social impact, both are from the University of Guadalajara.
“Development of Financial Education through the Application of Artificial Intelligence” was developed by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez, who offered attendees the crucial importance of financial education in the current context, with a special focus on how the applications and use of Artificial Intelligence.
The program "Financial Management for Entrepreneurs and Innovators"Taught by Dr. Juan Antonio Molina, this webinar provided participants with steps from a methodological point of view, applicable to their context, when starting a business, both belonging to the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP).
El Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs was a program designed to foster creativity and innovative thinking among college students, and the program Financial Management for Entrepreneurs, which aimed to equip entrepreneurs with the financial skills necessary to make sound and strategic decisions in managing their business projects.
The INTEC Mipymes Center was joined by allies, including the National Industrial Property Office (ONAPI) and the General Directorate of Internal Revenue, among other entities, to connect entrepreneurs who attended the Week.
Representatives of the “El Plan 2023” tournament taught students how to implement business strategies through a board game designed by the Chilean company Momento Cero, which has a network of certified Ambassadors in the Learning by Playing methodology.
This day of events ended with the panel “Innovation and Opportunities: How to start #Fintech in the Dominican Republic?”, in which representatives of the Dominican Association of Fintech Companies (ADOFINTECH) shared about the opportunities for entrepreneurship in this field.
To relive the moments of the Global Week: INTECultural and Entrepreneurship, you can visit the social networks and the website of the Institutional Mobility Unit (Instagram: @Intecmoves); or the website and social networks of the Directorate of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Instagram: @Ceiintec).