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Sheilabaezdoctoranda-7c1915d4 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Doctorandos del Área de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades presentan anteproyectos de tesis


Publication date:

January 25 2024

Doctoral students from the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities present preliminary thesis projects

SANTO DOMINGO. – Students of the doctorates in Social Sciences and in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments of the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) presented their draft doctoral theses to a shortlist of teachers headed by the coordinator of both doctoral programs, Santiago Gallur-Santourum.

Topics as diverse as women's rights in the workplace; African descent and male sex work; sexual assaults against minors; the influence of urban music on high school students; statelessness and Haiti-DR migration networks; climate vulnerability, and discrimination and inequality: Social Movements and Organizations of Santo Domingo will be addressed in the research projects of the seven doctoral students in Social Sciences.  

Doctoral student Wendy Martínez Mejía presented her preliminary project “Women's rights in the workplace. Gender discourse in Labor Law in the Dominican Republic, 2015 to 2023”, which studies the social problem of the distance between gender discourse and the effectiveness of women's rights in the work environment in the Dominican Republic. The objective of the research is to analyze the rights of women in the workplace, based on the discourse adopted in the Labor Law of the Dominican Republic, in laws, regulations and public policies, as well as the discourse adopted by the operators of the system. in their decisions in the field of Labor Law.   

The doctoral student Sheila Báez will develop the research “Afro-descendants and male sex work in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic: social discrimination and violence towards the sanky panky and its health risks, 2022-2025”, in which he will analyze the way in which racial stereotypes shape health risks for men who perform sex work with tourists in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. With this research, Báez hopes to contribute to opening the debate on the role that racial-sexual stereotypes play in the perpetuation of racist attitudes and behaviors, which objectify and dehumanize men who perform sex work in tourist contexts in the Dominican Republic.

The head of the National Directorate of Children, Adolescents and Families, Olga Diná, presented her preliminary project: “Culture of Sexual Aggressors of minors in the Dominican Republic: Normalization and Invisibilization of sexual violence against Girls and Adolescents in a province of the country”, Its objective is to identify the cultural elements behind sexual violence against minors.

The doctoral student Naftali López presented the preliminary research project: “Secondary education and urban music: The difficult coexistence of underage students and the explicit lyrics of urban songs in district 11-02, 2023-2025”, The purpose of which is to analyze whether secondary educational centers that present problems such as (violence, teenage pregnancy, drug use and social marginalization) are where urban genre songs with lyrics of explicit content are played in District 11-02.

Meanwhile, Tania Fajardo will investigate “Statelessness and Migration Networks Haiti-Rep. Dominican: A historical and contemporary perspective on unidirectional migration in Nigua San Cristóbal and/or in Caleta Boca Chica (1821 - 2024)”, with the general objective of exhaustively analyzing the formation of unidirectional migratory networks and describing how statelessness perpetuates irregular migrations of people of Haitian descent in the Dominican Republic, specifically in the communities of Nigua, San Cristóbal, and Caleta de Boca Chica.

PhD Jenny Torres will carry out the research "Climate vulnerability, poles of attraction and poverty in the Dominican Republic: an analysis from the production of space in Greater Santo Domingo (2022-2024)", to evaluate how resource management affects the vulnerability of impoverished populations and examine the impact of climatic conditions on different social strata.

Likewise, the doctoral student Juan Luis Corporán presented the preliminary draft of the research “Discrimination and Inequality: Social Movements and Organizations of Santo Domingo de Guzmán in the Dominican Republic.” Corporán suggests thatRacial discrimination limits political participation, restricts economic possibilities and reduces the possibilities of social recognition in Greater Santo Domingo.

Doctorates in Communication and Education in Virtual Environments

“Babyboomers teaching generation Z. Analysis of the level of mastery of digital skills of teachers, compared to those of students, in a Dominican university, 2024-2025”, It is the research carried out by the doctoral student Laura Díaz, in which she will address a discrepancy that seems to exist between the digital skills of teachers, mostly baby boomers, and university students belonging to generation Z, digital natives whose digital skills are advanced.

Deybis Batista presented the research project “Socioeconomic and geographic factors as conditioning factors in the teaching process mediated by ICT. Analysis of the digital competencies of secondary level teachers in a border Educational District in the Dominican Republic”, in which will identify the digital competencies of teachers and management staff in an Educational District located in the border area of ​​the Dominican Republic.

Doctoral student Randy Bautista presented his preliminary project “Trolls and haters as a digital marketing strategy on social networks. Case study, analysis of the Instagram of 24 digital media from Santo Domingo 2023. Verbal violence in the comments of the news of the Dominican digital media, 2023-2024”, whose objective is to address a social, political and commercial approach in digital media, taking into account characteristics of the verbal violence used in the comments by Instagram users.

Likewise, Hitleny Almonte will carry out the investigation “Socioeconomic and technological limitations in primary education. Acquisition, use and mastery of digital skills in mathematics teaching at the primary level, educational district of Santo Domingo 2023-2025”, whose main objective is to identify the socioeconomic level in the development of digital competencies of teachers who teach mathematics at the primary level and expose the factors that cause this deficiency.

The doctoral student Manuel Montero Lora presented his project “Roles of teachers and students in the process of integrating a generative artificial intelligence chatbot. Analysis of digital competencies for the use of ChatGPT as a mediator in the teaching-learning process in Higher Education in the Dominican Republic, year 2024-2025", which aims explore the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational field, specifically in Dominican higher education.

Meanwhile, doctoral student Teresa de Jesús presented “Model of digital communicative competences for teachers in the process of teaching through sign language to primary school students with hearing disabilities, in national schools for the deaf in the Dominican Republic”, in which he will analyze how knowledge of digital skills impacts the educational processes directed in the classroom, since it guarantees more effective learning for students.

The doctoral student Jael Alevante presented her preliminary draft thesis “Comparative Analysis of Digital Competencies in Students from the Different Academic Areas of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo-Intec, Dominican Republic 2024-2025”.

Also the doctoral student Edwin Suero presented his project “Digital competencies of education students. “Socioeconomic factors that influence the ICT-assisted learning process in the face-to-face and virtual modalities of higher education in the Dominican Republic, 2024-2025”, which seeks to understand the socioeconomic factors that influence the learning process assisted by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).