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proyect-c6d2bf95 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Docentes del INTEC entienden gestión del cambio y manejo de tecnología como principales retos en la gestión de proyectos


Publication date:

December 09 2020

INTEC teachers understand change management and technology management as the main challenges in project management

SANTO DOMINGO. –The management of change and resources, the management of technology and risks and the impact on the environment are the main challenges and challenges for organizations in managing their projects.

The weighting was carried out by teacher Jorge Miranda, who stressed that the main strength of organizations in project management are people, for which they must be trained, be more flexible and adapt to new changes.

“The way we manage technology, communications and relationships, risk management, resource management and the environment has to change. In organizations we have to be faster and more flexible ”, highlighted Miranda. 

During the professional meeting of the Master in Project Management taught by the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), Miranda said that one of the important tools in the change process is the implementation of the DMAIC methodology: define the current situation, measure, analyze and control.

In addition, on the management of resources, the coordinator of the master's degree highlighted that the principle of scarcity states that the resources available to companies are scarce and, now more so, taking into account that the cash flows of companies have been affected.

“We have to continue doing projects, but we have to find a way to do it in a better way, with the resources available. We have to adopt four fundamental elements in the discipline: always innovate, expand collaboration between all disciplines, have take into account the social impact and create the future. ”, said the INTEC teacher.

On his side, Manuel Valenzuela, a professor in the Engineering Area, said that the challenge of change involves assuming the challenges of learning to use new technologies that impact customer relationships “We are in an industrial revolution based on the technological revolution. They are asking us to automate processes and chains, using technological tools ”.

He stressed that in project management the technological coefficient must be added because at present it is not considered a need, but an obligation. "You have to have knowledge and a technology base to contribute to emerging projects or improvements."

Regarding the impact on the environment, he considered that projects and products should be designed taking care of the environment from the beginning. “We have to implement it in our day to day, with the little that each person does, in their home, organization and in their projects, a safer and cleaner world is achieved. For this reason, it has become so prevalent that with new technologies we have to design projects and technologies that support sustainability and, therefore, the environment.

About the Master in Project Management

The master in Project Management aims to provide the knowledge, tools and techniques necessary to manage projects successfully, through the application of the body of knowledge and good management practices.

INTEC's offer is a unique postgraduate degree that offers addition to continuing towards a professional certification endorsed by the Project Management Institute (PMI) or the International Project Management Association (IPMA), as well as enrolling in the doctoral program in Project Management and Management from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).

The graduates obtain three degrees: Diploma of Specialization in UPV Project Management; Master in Project Management UPV and Master in Project Management INTEC.