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capacitacion-empleados-mepyd-2529d64f Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Docentes Del INTEC Capacitan En Técnicas De Redacción A Empleados Del MEPyD


Publication date:

August 16 2011

Teachers Of INTEC Train In Writing Techniques To Employees Of MEPyD

Santo Domingo. Teachers of the Department of Permanent Education of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) provide a training course in writing reports to technicians of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD).

The objective of the course is for the participants to develop writing skills that allow them to prepare their reports correctly and accurately, as indicated by the Ministry's Communications Unit.

Elisa Ramírez, Director of Marketing of the Permanent Education Department of INTEC, gave details of the program and stressed the importance of continuing these educational activities between the MEPyD and the Higher Education Center, when speaking and presiding over the inauguration of the course.

The words of welcome were pronounced by the manager of Planning, Mario Espinal, who stressed the importance of the educational activity for the technicians of the ministry.

Espinal said that the training was managed taking into account the requirements of several general directors and the interest of the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, engineer Temístocles Montás.

The classes are offered by Professor Ligia Ramírez in one of the meeting rooms of the MEPyD Vice Ministry of Planning and have the participation of some 30 technicians from different departments.

The educational activity is coordinated by the Public Planning and Investment Training Center and lasts for one month, from 2: 00 to 5: 00 in the afternoon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.