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CatedraUnesco-ea1a4bfb Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Delegación de la Cátedra UNESCO de la Universidad de Puerto Rico visita el INTEC


Publication date:

18 2024 June

Delegation of the UNESCO Chair of the University of Puerto Rico visits INTEC

In 2025, the meeting of the UNESCO Chairs of Latin America will be held at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras campus in Puerto Rico.

SANTO DOMINGO. – With the aim of establishing a space conducive to collaboration and exchange of experiences between the UNESCO Chairs of Latin America and the Caribbean, which allow strengthening the knowledge management capacity in Higher Education institutions, a delegation from the Executive Committee of The UNESCO Higher Education Chair of the University of Puerto Rico of the Río Piedras Campus visited the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), as well as other universities in the Dominican Republic.

The work team, led by Dr. Eunice Pérez Medina, Co-coordinator of the Chair, came to the country to establish work ties, cooperation and agreements with important university centers and other educational and cultural institutions.

Pérez Medina highlighted that, with the establishment of Higher Education networks at the regional and international level, the transformation of institutions is supported and the inclusion, integration and complementarity of initiatives is promoted.

The UNESCO Chair of Knowledge Creation, Innovation and Collaboration in Higher Education originated in 1999 at the Río Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico, its holder is Dr. Eduardo Aponte Hernández.

“From 2007 to November 2023, the Chair was inactive. The University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, renewed the agreement with UNESCO in December 2023. This new agreement implies a collaboration between the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of General Studies. of the UPR, Río Piedras, which will allow the development of various institutional and international projects until 2027,” noted the members of the Puerto Rican delegation.

Among the goals of this new directive are: strengthening joint research initiatives and dissemination of results between the UNESCO Chairs, and disseminating the academic work of the Chair through magazines, seminars, the Center for Transdisciplinary Research and other academic media.

They also propose to train the university community in matters related to higher education and UNESCO; provide mentoring and support to students in the process of theses, dissertations and research projects; strengthen research in Puerto Rico on topics related to higher education and promote curricular changes and innovative educational practices with a focus on higher education.

In the meeting in which the teachers and authorities of the Social Sciences and Humanities Area of ​​INTEC participated, the directors of the University of Puerto Rico extended an invitation to them to participate in the Meeting of UNESCO Chairs in Latin America to be held in October 2025. at the Río Piedras Campus in Puerto Rico.