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MariMora-89e07cda Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - ¿Cuál debe ser el rol del médico cuando no puede curar?


Publication date:

August 24 2017

What should be the doctor's role when he can not cure?

SANTO DOMINGO. - The end of the medicine es prevent y cure, as established by the biomedical paradigm; But, what happens when the doctor has a patient suffering from diabetes, hypertension, lupus, cancer or any otherr disease called catastrophic?What can hacer a doctor when with his knowledge and drugs can not cure? From this question the presentation started "The Bio-Psycho-Social model: reasons for a paradigm shift" what the psychologist dictated Maricecili Mora.

The coordinator of the Master in Clinical and Health Psychology of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) stated that to face the chronic diseases it is necessary to get the patient to get involved and cooperate, change their lifestyle and live with their illness, so the doctor must assume a new way of exercising the medicine where the end is not healing, but rather accompaniment and care for your patient.

"We must be consistent and adapt the entire health system, and the behavior and philosophy of its members, to a paradigm shift in which the psychological and social sense is taken into account to care for the patient, when we cannot cure him," he said.

Mora stated that the biomedical model it made sense when the infectious diseases in which the prescribed medication cured the condition; however, there is currently a increase in non-communicable diseases which require a approach bio-psycho-social in the management of psychological variables y sociales by the professional.

The psychologist indicated that this paradigm stimulates to a knowledge traditional integral of the patient and his environment, integrates the findings in biological, psychological y social; recognizes the central role played by therapeutic relationship In the course of events, it optimizes teamwork and incorporates the health professional as one more part of the system that must also be cared for.

"The role of the doctor is help their patients in all phases of the process, promoting health, preventing disease, curing or alleviating symptoms, recovering or rehabilitating functions and accompanying in the final phases of life ", said the professional, when giving the conference organized by the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities of INTEC, in the Campus Videoconference Room.

He argued that health and disease are a continuum and are part of the same process: “In a specific person the boundaries between health and disease are blurred. The health-disease process is multidimensional, biological, psychological, social, family, environmental and cultural factors interact, positively or negatively, continuously ”, he argued.

Mora, who for more than 20 years has been dedicated to health psychology, advocates that in the training of physicians the bio-psycho-social paradigm prevails in which the organization and the development of medical care focus on the needs of the patient. "The doctor must be a good communicator and have the skills to establish a good relationship with his patients, while addressing the health problems of his patients, he said.

About the Master in Clinical and Health Psychology

 This is the first master's degree that doubly qualifies in two branches for the Psychology: The clinic y "Salud", and its main objective is to contribute to the transformation of the National system of health.

Graduates of the INTEC Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology will have the competencies to join the process of change of the health sector, through the implementation of the bio-psycho-social paradigm and the autonomist model. Likewise, they will be specialists in clinical and health aspects.

 They will demonstrate the abilities, skills, attitudes to perform as consultants, teachers at postgraduate level, as well as they will be able to organize interdisciplinary teams in the different health units, with the aim of being effective and efficient when addressing the problems that patients present. They will be graduates trained with high institutional values, oriented to social responsibility, bioethics and respect for cultural diversity. With a personal and professional attitude of training and continuous updating to improve the level of performance in the contexts that I intervened.