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logo Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Consortium of universities in North America integrates INTEC as the first member Dominican institution


Publication date:

July 27 2012

Consortium of universities of North America integrates INTEC as the first Dominican institution member

El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, INTEC, is part of the member institutions of the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC), expanding with this step the exchange options with foreign academic institutions and their scholarship options, both in Canada and the United States, as well as in Latin America. Europe and Asia.

INTEC will have access to online information and link opportunities, free publications including a subscription to the North American academic journal. Likewise, you can obtain the necessary support to establish collaboration agreements with key institutions, executive workshops on international education and special discounts on intensive language, culture and higher education programs.

CONAHEC is an organization founded 18 years ago in order to open the way for the interconnection of the North American region and to discuss the need that exists in higher education systems to provide competent professionals at a global level and thus support the development of the region.

The entity serves more than 130 higher education institutions in the United States, Mexico and Canada. In addition, it has a select group of institutions of excellent quality that are outside the North American region. Its 28 members are located in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Central America and the Caribbean.
Through the programs and activities, the member institutions can share ideas, information, students, teachers, professors and staff, and have free publications, including a subscription to the academic journal North America, participation in the governing body of CONAHEC and the representation of member institutions in international conferences.