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EntregaDiccionario-478530ba Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Consejo Nacional de Discapacidad entrega al INTEC primera edición del Diccionario Oficial de la Lengua de Señas del país


Publication date:

April 12 2024

National Disability Council delivers to INTEC the first edition of the country's Official Sign Language Dictionary

The copy was received by Natividad Espinal, director of Student Services, on behalf of the rector Julio Sánchez Maríñez

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) received the first copy of the first edition of the Official Dictionary of the Sign Language of the Dominican Republic Prepared by the National Disability Council (CONADIS).

The copy was received by Natividad Espinal, executive director of Student Services, on behalf of the rector, Julio Sánchez Maríñez. Espinal considered it valuable because it is an example of how the Dominican Republic is working towards inclusion.

In a document Laura Pimentel, executive director of CONADIS, expressed that the construction of the Dominican Sign Language Dictionary represents support for the culture of the deaf community through documentation, study and recognition of their language of expression and communication.

“This dictionary becomes an essential community tool to promote culture and to guarantee equal opportunities for deaf people. Likewise, this work represents the recognition of the cultural and community value of the language that it registers as part of the Dominican cultural heritage and identity, not only among the deaf community, but in society as a whole,” said Pimentel.

Among its institutional initiatives, INTEC is also part of the ACCESS project, which is executed through the Institutional Mobility Unit and seeks to improve accessibility, guarantee learning conditions and promote policy change towards the inclusion of students with disabilities in the context of Higher Education in Costa Rica, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, through modern practices of inclusion, training and collaborative work.

Its objectives include creating a modern and inclusive framework through the creation of Support Centers for students with disabilities, long-term strategies for the access and retention of these students in the higher education system and equipping them with assistive technologies to improve the provision of services for the consortium institutions.

Some universities that are part of the project are: University of Alicante from Spain; University of Macedonia in Greece; Technological of Costa RicaAgrarian University of Havana "Fructuoso Rodríguez Pérez" in Cuba, among other universities in such countries.

Likewise, INTEC) and the National Institute for Training and Training of Teachers (INAFOCAM) taught a diploma in Teaching Sign Language L1 and L2, aimed at deaf co-educators who work in schools and specific classrooms for students of the same condition taught sign language.