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They commemorate 200 years of the first book of Dominican philosophy
SANTO DOMINGO. On the occasion of commemorating 200 years of the printing of the first book of Dominican philosophy authored by the philosopher and doctor Andrés López de Medrano (1780-1856), the Area of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) celebrated the panel "The thought of Andrés López de Medrano".
The activity, organized in coordination with the permanent Commission of the Bicentennial of the work, had as speakers Dr. Luís O. Brea Franco, philosopher and vice minister of Culture; Dr. Jorge Ramón Tena Reyes, historian and philosopher, advisor to the Corripio Foundation and Dr. Julio Minaya, president of the Dominican Society of Philosophers (ADOFIL).
Father Jesús Hernández, director of the Biblioteca Antillense Salesiana (BAS); Francisco Acosta, postgraduate director of the Faculty of Humanities of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) and Dr. Mabel Artidiello Moreno, Professor of INTEC.
The panel was held in the Auditorium Osvaldo García de la Concha of INTEC, and was attended by dozens of students, teachers and special guests.
López de Medrano wrote the book "Logic. Elements of modern philosophy intended for the use of Dominican youth "in Latin at 1813, and was published in August by 1814 in the workshops of the Printing Office of the General Captaincy in Santo Domingo.
The Logic of Andrés López de Medrano became not only the first book of philosophy written in Santo Domingo, but also the first on which philosophical ideas of a modern nature are sustained and promoted.
With this writing, the author managed to significantly overcome the scholasticism in force during three centuries of colonial history. In order to achieve this, López de Medrano draws on the primordial sources of European modernity: "Essay on the human understanding of John Locke", "Essay on the origin of the human knowledge of Esteban de Condillac" and the "Speech of the method of René Descartes "